vrijdag 8 oktober 2021

Sirian Civilization ~ Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Sirian Civilization

Greetings Humanity,
I am Sirius, the High Council of the Sirian Civilization, and I reside on the planet Sirius. I am pleased to communicate to your planet Earth.
My race focused on spiritual development in conjunction with technological advancement. We are humanoids, taller than humans, our height usually varies from 7 feet up to 10 feet tall.
There are more then one group of Sirians, not all of them reflect same godly evolution. My group reached the highest spiritual expansion, so some of us are 12th dimension and up. The numbers of the dimensions are limitless in the Cosmos. You can be a very high dimensional being and still remain in a physical form.

We visited your planet eons ago on numerous occasions to help your growth, as soon as the conflicts started between different races, we left as we don’t have any desire to be involved in wars. The humankind doesn’t remember us, because you don’t retain your memories from the past lives, the Dark Entities erase them.

My planet has two suns and one big blue moon, so our nights are not so dark like on Mother Gaia. They reflect bluish shadows from the moon. We don’t have winters, the temperature stays the same year round. We stay daytime on the surface of the planet, and during nighttime we move to the inside, where we have built modern cities.

We plant a thousand different kind of eatable plants on the surface of our planet in special containers, which grow fast because of the mild and nice weather that stays all year long. We are only plant eaters, we don’t eat flesh. For our safety, the cities were built on the inside of the planet’s crust.

Many Ascended Masters come to study in our Cosmic Wisdom School. We communicate mainly telepathically as we don’t like any kind of noise. Our main focus is to help other nations to reach a high spiritual level.

Others and I from Sirius have been closely observing humanity, and we wish for all of you to achieve your freedom and move soon into 5th dimension through Ascension.

We are quite ahead in technological growth compared to your planet. Our ships are fast and slim shaped, which are hard to destroy. As the High Council of Sirius planet, I participate regularly in the meetings with the Galactic Federation of Light.

We are peace oriented nation, so we make sure to be involved in activities that protect the well being of other races in the Cosmos. We are not interested in conflicts or longterm wars that the Dark souls enjoy so much. We believe in a Divine Plan that another place in a Milky Galaxy is going to become free and a happy place to inhabit.

Please, never forget that we are all connected, and all of you are multidimensional beings and no one can tell you otherwise. Thank you for transmission Universal Channel.

We Are All One
Channeled by Erena Velazquez