donderdag 7 oktober 2021

Energy Update ~ Grace Solaris

The dolphins are multi dimensional crystaline beings and keepers of the cosmic kundalini and their bodies are divine vessels for this primordial creative life force, also known as the Shakti or pure tantric energy, which is the seed of all creation as well as the means to our awakening to our enlightened state of being. The next stage in our evolution as a specie in our ascended state is a sort of blend between our humanoid state of being and the crystaline multidimensionel being of the dolphins.

They are actually galactic beings, our “older”galactic sisters and brothers, that have already completed their ascension as a specie, and they are here to assist us in our ascension and show us the way. Some of us, like myself, have had vivid experiences , visions or remembrance of ourself as a dolphin. This is in no way fantasy, but a deep remembrance in you and ability in you to tune into your dolphin higher dimensional aspect, which co-exist in the higher dimensional realms of existence.

Grace Solaris
“What is truly wonderful about tantric energy, and in this case Dolphin Tantra particularly, is that it simultaneously elevates your lower chakra energies through the alchemical fires of transformation (kundalini), grounds you more fully, and makes way for your spirit to live more fully in your body- and all the while you are naturally loving yourself more and experiencing ecstatic energy states and spiritual opening.

The dolphins are the only other creatures upon Earth, besides humans, known to have orgasms. They are certainly guilt-free, loving, ecstatic, spontaneous, and joyful beings! If the true nature of the human soul and spirit is to be as the dolphins in these ways, then it is important to liberate ourselves by learning to be as guilt-free, loving, ecstatic, spontaneous, and joyful as they are.

Dolphin Tantra
From The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook, Awakening Your Divine Ba By Amorah Quan Yin