A lot of people are beginning to get fed up with this reality and what is going on... Are the "good guys" winning are the "bad guys winning". Do we fight, do we relax, do we cry out or do we sit back?
It is a time of uncertainty for a lot of people... some people who stand for light want to move and do something about what they see but the question is what do you do?
My suggestion would be to focus on the inner world. For some of you, you will go out there and do something about what you see in the physical but for some of you that will seem impossible right now. So again... my advice would be to focus on the inner world. You see the "event" is us. WE are the event that has arrived here to bring a transition of love, light and appreciation on Earth.
Every thought we think.
Every word we speak.
You are "god". The very word itself is limiting in nature because god (he and she) is everything and everywhere and to define it with words becomes an impossibility.
YOU are everything and everywhere. Many are worshipping a being that is apparently more powerful than them without realising that the very being they worship as their saviour is themselves... kind of beautiful when you think about it! We are creating this outer world with our INNER world.
Now please do not get this mixed up in fear-mongering that if you have a bad thought about someone that you will be sabotaging the whole "plan" or "new world" but let me suggest this...
What makes up the new world?
In order for that world to even be a concept, we have to understand what it means to live in that world.
Healthy communication.
A space for self-expression.
Being of service to others.
Exploration of all peoples passions and purpose.
Connection with the animals, people and land.
Exploration of the soul and its deepest connection across time and space with other lives and beings.
These are but some of the things that truly create a new world of love... in order for that to be manifested into reality we have to embody those ideas or at least make it your intention to explore those ideas to the best of your human ability. REMEMBER they need to be reciprocated by everyone who is creating that world for it to truly cement itself into that world.
If you can not actively go out there and do something then focus on your inner world.
One person shining the light from within is worth 20,000 beings of darkness. Your light is so valuable that it might just be down to YOU whether or not we will be living in a crystalline world of love and sight. It is done and I know that but empower yourself to realise your value on all levels!
If you need time to do nothing then do nothing.
If you need time to understand what you need to do then take it.
Honour yourself, my brothers and sisters.
The time is almost upon us.