As another Schuhmann resonance update confirms, another 68Hz wave recently hit Earth.
The ascension of the Earth and humanity is taking place at an accelerating rate. Photon Gamma's beams of light are showering Earth's star Gaia and preparing all of its sensitive life for mass ascension. DNA is being updated.
What our unknown 3D scientist calls "junk DNA" stores information from all of your incarnations, your galactic heritage, and the entire universe. And that knowledge will be restored.
Can you see now how terrified the "soon to be powers" in the world are of this fact? Can you understand why the world is upside down?
It's all just a distraction. To keep you scared. Only the low frequency of fear can keep you from adjusting to the vibratory level. As the frequency increases, the stray strands of DNA reconnect.
Cosmic rays sent to Earth pierce the cells of your being and reorganize your DNA. Starseeds awakened on Earth will have between 3-5 active helices now, while new Earth-born children are already equipped with 3-5 active helices. The 12 DNA helices correspond to the 12 chakras inside, above and below the body. They send and receive information from each other.
When you unlock the chakras and allow the DNA to form back into its natural 12 active helix form, you are becoming multidimensional.
Long ago, the dark rulers of this planet manipulated human DNA, leaving only 2 active helices. These two helices correspond to the first and second chakras. The root and sacral chakra. That was enough for us, like a race, to survive and breed.
But the continual explosion of gamma photon light beams on Earth in recent years has helped humanity initiate a process of awakening that will inevitably lead to ascension.
The solar plexus chakra is unlocked by listening to intuition and questioning the narrative. This continues with opening your heart center and being able to give and receive more love. And so, the frequency of the body changes to adjust to the Earth's new vibratory level.
During this process, you may experience symptoms of discomfort. In fact, most flu epidemics are actually symptoms of ascension. This happens when large amounts of gamma photon light waves are sent to blast the earth through the central sun, but the human receptacle is not geared towards fitness, nutrition and well-being.
Ascension symptoms you may be experiencing:
• headaches
• blurry vision
• ringing in the ears frequently
• heart palpitations
• anxiety
• trouble sleeping or needing more sleep
• vivid dreams
• fatigue
• sweating more
• random intolerance to certain foods
• nausea
• diarrhea
• dizziness or floating sensation
• pains
• shortness of breathe
• yawning or burping frequently
• excessive thirst
• pain in hands, wrists, knees, feet or ankles
Remember, you must love and take care of yourself. Eat well, sleep, rest and don't follow the fake 3D news that just means putting stress on your being.
It's important to connect to nature and ground yourself regularly during this time. Walk barefoot daily, lie down with as much bare skin as possible in weeds, sand, or bathe in salt.
Drink enough water, eat fresh raw vegetable foods, meditate, breathe, and do things that make you happy like singing, listening to your favorite music, and dancing.
All of these above mentioned practices increase your frequency and support your inevitable ascension process.
A new world is being created. 5D is here now. Tune in!..@Bali