zaterdag 16 oktober 2021

Ascension update ~ Pleiadian Council Channeled by, Parallel Brittnie

Greetings Dear Ones, We are the Pleiadian Council.

We come to you today with an important Ascension update.

Within 7-9 earth days following 10-10 portal, heavily charged electrons are scheduled to embody your Earths atmosphere creating masses of plasmic bands of light flashing throughout your skys.

This event will be physically visible to all of you in your current perceptive light spectrum. These flashes of plasma will project pulsating light coded information that is designed to dismantle and shatter false realities placed by malicious agendas.

We have been preparing you all by encouraging you to work with the alignment of your Earth Star Chakra. It is "VERY IMPORTANT" that you are fully grounded to the Earth in these moments to come. We strongly encourage you Starseeded Masters to ground and to remain in zero point alignment. The energetic effects many of you will witness, are simply timeline resets. A massive reboot in Earths energetic operation system that is necessary at this time.

Prior to this event many of you will feel pressure and stiffness in certain parts of your human vessel. These are the areas your avatar needs to release pent-up lower vibrational energies. You may release these pent-up energetics by placing your conscious awareness to the specific locations while you visualize white light entering the effected areas as you inhale and using your exhaling breath to release the debris.

The amount of time to perform this technique is subjective to each own. Some may only need to preform this technique once, while others may need to perform it several times. Once the dense energies are released you will no longer feel heavy and or stiff within the locations of the effected areas.

We now ask you to honor, to purge and release all lower vibrational frequencies within your mind, body, and soul Triad. This will prevent any distortions within your electromagnetic field during the events to come.

We thank you all for giving us this opportunity to connect to you at this time.

-Pleiadian Council

Channeled by, Parallel Brittnie