We are in the stages of Ascension, we were chosen for this moment in History this Global Purpose to Serve Humanity to bring forth Unity Consciousness for all Humanity.
We are the Light Keepers, the Wayshowers, Starseeds here
To shine the Conscious Awareness to all to bring forth the Wisdom of the Ages.
We are Multidimensional beings here to Create Unity and a New Earth.
Raise your Vibration and Frequency to Love, allow anyone who doesn't match your Divine purpose to Fall away, leave them to discover their Own Path.
We are the Guardians we are the Gatekeepers, Wayshowers, The Living Library, as we Anchor the Light for Humanity and the New Earth.
And we are here to bring forth Unity and a New Earth we shall birth.
We are Transmuting Eons of Ancestral Trauma and History.
We are Powerful Sentient beings, we are Free Sovereign beings, we are here to Awaken Humanity and Serve Prime Creator, as we Transform from Carbon base beings to Crystalline Diamond beings.
We are Galactic beings, Sovereign beings.
The Great Central Sun is expanding and the Diamond Codes are streaming through us and Activating Dormant DNA, as we are gifted new powers, Fear not Dear Hearts all is well.
Many may struggle through this next ascension stage, you are well looked after by the Higher Realms. You are loved and are love.
Self Love is the key to continue raising your Vibration.
Seraph Knight
Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo'