donderdag 29 september 2022

Energy update ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy update: Much inner shifting has been finished, we are evolving / ascending and moving forward into the new

It has been a struggle these last weeks staying balanced, being pushed to let go of all remaining old programming, loops, false guidance, having to deal with more stuck old shadow energy. Releasing all attachments, AI, Karma and other demonic interference and control, hooks, vows and cords to be released. We have been cleared out big time!

Vivid dreams and much purging might still happen.
Our masculine and feminine energies balanced, our DNA and physical body restored and upgraded.
On a personal and collective level we shifted in consciousness.

We were given this time to really become more sovereign bringing more of our divine higher self and soul into our physical body and to live more grounded into 5D in the now.
What is happening is evolution and ascension, we did the hard work transmuting and grounding, all is divinely guided.
It feels more peaceful within right

We are expanding in love and light, we have transmuted much of our own darkness and consciousness into light that will affect our personal life and the world around you in a positive way.

We are now taking a huge leap forward. Gratitude for all the hard work on yourself, learning to understand ourselves better and love others unconditionally, to become the observer and to live your souls purpose.

We now are ready to receive higher wisdom and higher unity love guidance, to live in joy, happiness, good health, true love relationships and more divine support in your passion and soul purpose.

We are more connected in unity with all.

It is important to learn to trust, have faith and surrender, everything is OKAY, blessings are on the way.

Heart Blessings
David Alexander Lightfoot