Schumann Resonance has been reporting strangely for two days. It looks it may be down now for repair. We'll have to see what it looks like when it returns.
In the meantime, we have Flux Energies in alert ranges already this morning, and they're expecting to continue all day.
Ascension energies are on high with the Wheel of Creation energies coming in closer.
Things coming out to be seen and felt. Emotions on high for final release.
It's only going to get more intense the closer you get to Friday. You have a portal day on the Eve of the next Full Moon.
Now is the time to hold your light, and walk in YOUR power. Claim it!
"I AM Powerful. I AM directly connected to Source. I AM of the Light, for the Light and by the Light."
Whatever you put after "I AM" you claim for your reality. So claim what you truly want and feel it within your heart.
The energy you put into it as you say it, will bring it to you with the same intensity.
And don't forget to remind yourself how amazing you are.
In these big energies it's easy to forget, but it's because of you that we are experiencing these big upgrades.
Take care of yourself, share your light and very soon of of this will change with a beautiful energythat comes through and awakens everyone and everything.
Much love and light,