High frequency plasma waves are being received through the crown chakra which activates the unification code streaming across the quantum fields at this time.
Neural pathways are being reconnected as the hemispheric bridge unifies and cellular charges awaken crystalline cells and dormant DNA strands
Golden spirals of activation coding are moving up and down the energy body reawakening and rejuvenating the crystalline cellular imprints within the cellular memory as we integrate templates which support unification within the whole body system.
We are upgrading the velocity and vibratory rate and layers around our Merkabas as the planetary axis and rotational fields are oscillating at a much faster frequency so that we can integrate new grid infrastructure and move into a different dimensional holographic reality experience.
The acceleration patterns occuring within our collective timeline are amplifying old dissolving structures and misaligned 3D energy loops which are closing out so that two potential future timelines can converge and anchor ushering in a golden lattice that forms a multi dimensional net around Gaia connectlng with the inter planetary chakra system and our own expanding meridian and Chaka system.
Simultaneously we are anchoring Into our higher hearts and the heart chambers of Gaia 12th dimensional wavelengths which are forming a grid of golden crystalline codes & keys that emit a pulse wave of high octave fast frequency frequencies which enable us to connect to the next generation of cellular memory upgrades at both a planetary level and within our individual light body layers.
The planetary axis are spinning and gravitational fields are shifting so that we can merge into the new holographic blueprint whilst exiting the old holographic matrices.
Trust in the divine order of the current time line being played out as many are activating their higher heart fields and aligning with the new grid frequencies as Gaias heart chamber fills with the rainbow flames and sound/colour/solar fractal rays that are anchoring over the next 200 year cycle.
Together we shift the timelines
Together we co create peace and unity Choose love over fear Hold love and peace as we shift the current collective vibration into deeper octaves of love.
We are here to become the grids themselves and anchor unity and oneness consciousness through the quantum layers of our multi dimensional reality matrix. ~
By Blue Rose Oracles .