donderdag 22 september 2022

Grand Rising Beloveds ~ Natoya Hall

Grand Rising Beloveds

Blessed Mabon, Blessed Equinox!

We had a FULL and INTENSE summer and I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to the "cool down" and the dark/moody, inward time of Fall and Winter. Never thought those words would come out of my mouth but we've been going through waves and waves, portal after portal of immense star codes that are bringing the fullness of our DNA online and it's been kicking ass. This is a great time to retreat and REST. Do a wellness Check-in with yourself, and your Spirit and give yourself grace and congrats
for the work you've done thus far this year. This year has been no joke.

We are still getting blasted and although the seasons have turned and we enter a new vibration, Fall and winter tend to bring on deep shadow work but you've been working on this all year so you know the drill! 2022 has been about mastering your multidimensionality and how you exist within many different planes of consciousness; remembering how to weave ALL these frequencies ain't a joke and it does a lot to our ever-changing bodies.

You may be feeling stiffness, joint pain, pain and uncomfortable sensations in the womb especially if you have any imbalances within this portal of creation/stargate. The heart and the throat are going through it and you may be experiencing a lot of mucus and phlegm clearing these next few days. Think of your stomach as the Master Starship that you use to teleport (energetically) to many different timelines; the Solar Plesus Navigates your jumps/travels/weaving into many different dimensions of space and time so it is doing DEEP work. Deep cellular clearing continues and the past may be coming up in waves as another layer of grief, of releasing, of anchoring your growth comes up to be looked at. Remember, healing and clearing happen in waves so as to not overwhelm the nervous system. You may be craving sweets or dense foods you don't normally eat, give yourself grace and understand your body needs what it needs to acclimate its new energy grids.

Some of you Dreamers are working closely with the Lyrans as you create new grids of consciousness we can/are playing in! A lot of dreams about lands/places/portals you've never seen or heard of that are now calling you to explore. Most of us are working with the Councils of light and "new" Star Beings that are making themselves known so they may work with you especially if you are a way-shower, healer, change maker/doers.

You may be experiencing massive duality clearing within you as well, many are experiencing BOTH sides of a reality and this can be confusing and feel like a setback if you don't know what is happening. Everything is happening to teach you how to navigate a new world and to see yourself as the creator of this world. Your energy moves creation, be the master weaver of your energy and move it towards parts of your body and life that needs some assistance, then you will see your manifesting power and flow.

The head is going through it. The mind feels foggy and heavy as your brain is doing its transmutation upgrades. This may need you to try a little harder to maintain your thoughts and don't fall for the illusions that keep you limited or trapped in a lifestyle/ or thought patterns of the past. You've grown and changed so much Starseeds give yourself love and patience as the new, healed version of you anchors and roots into your new realities.

Our new norm is self-mastery. Many of us are living in MANY different realities right now and this may have you feeling a bit overwhelmed. Don't forget to call in your assistance from your teams and let them assist with the denseness. I wish you Magic and Interdimaenional blessings as you master the JUMPS!

So much love