donderdag 10 september 2020

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

We are brought to the highest truth within - the truth of our Soul and the Divine Truth within.
Truth indeed will resonate in the deepest depths of your soul. It will be there in the deepest knowing, and inner peace. The minute you recognize the deepest truth, you find an inner stillness.

Truth indeed is a state of ATONENESS with the Universal Divine Source and the All-Knowing.
Now as you shift, you will find that a lot of what you once thought was the truth, or was dished up as the truth, is not the truth of the here and now. Indeed, as your soul traverses the old you, new truths will be found within, and with it a higher knowing.

It is all a matter of the inner Seeing, Hearing and Knowing, now being brought in highest alignment with your own Higher Soul Source Self, in Unity with the Divine. The Divine Knowing, moves through your knowing and you recognize this Knowing as deeply resonating with your soul.

I was told years ago, to let go of all outside knowledge and listen deep within for the Knowing. It has served me well. This does not mean that the truth and knowing has not shifted, as my understanding and experience of Divinity changed. NO!

It simply means as the soul is ready, the Divine Teacher will appear in the form of the recognized KNOWING of TRUTH WITHIN.

Whether others recognize the truth - is none of your business. Just live the highest truth within.

The truth will always lead you in ever higher degrees to expand the inner knowing and seeing, AS ONE with the Divine Source.
Indeed, the greatest truth is most often the simplest. It does not need a lot of publicity and fanfare. It simple IS!

It brings inner equilibrium which is transcendental, for your soul is now in highest alignment with the Source of All Knowing.

Judith Kusel