vrijdag 11 november 2022

Today 11-11 -2022 will be one of the most powerful days for manifesting your dreams in the last 23 years! ~ Raising Vibrations

Today 11-11 -2022 will be one of the most powerful days for manifesting your dreams in the last 23 years!
11/11/2022 The Last time we had triple digit numbers was the year1999.
This year, we have the power of numerology with 1111 and 222 Number frequencies .
It’s Full of the 2's and 1's this is going to be a sensational time in Earths history .
11/11 opens a portal between the spiritual
world and ours whilst the 2's of this year carry all the love, connection , joy, peace, luck and growth
This is all about Mastery , it’s not just about learning the lessons , it’s now about Mastering them .
The energetic vibrations on this day will be so strong, that it will allow easier access to the spiritual realms, bringing in higher dimensions and vast manifesting power
Clear your energy field, release what is no longer serving you, be clear with your manifesting intentions, be open to
signs from the universe and loved ones.
11:11 is a multidimensional bridge between
two reality systems: the old reality of duality
and the new reality of Oneness,
Be ready to step into a new level of Divine
To call forth your conscious expansion and
To tap into powerful the healing
So you can access the higher dimensions of
It’s Time to Make Your Wish!
Complete Balance Has Been Obtained
Kundalini’s are Rising and synchronicities are abundant.
You are Coming out of the Dark Night Of The Soul ,
11:11 is a 'master number" which signifies
intuition, insight, and enlightenment.
It relates to activations and awakenings
This means that you are spiritually evolving into higher timelines it’s a time to Pay attention to guidance from the Universe, as well as your own thoughts .
11-11 Love , Miracles , Unity and Blessings
Ascension LightWorkers
Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo'