woensdag 9 november 2022

Redwave ~ Ramona Lappin


I'm guided to share the following information from Ascension Glossary, as I had to smile at the whole redwave versus bluewave topic and the symbolism held within it. I don't do politics but came across someone posting about the election results in the USA having shifted overnight from being mainly red/ redwave, to waking up to it having shifted to blue/ bluewave. Also, this is the first time I hear these terms flung around like this. So my message is that we have indeed fully shifted Collective from red to blue wave, with the redwave spectrum and red and black box technologies being fully dissolved and removed in this NOW! This is a good thing as this relates to us no longer facing past, fallen, artificial timelines and having to deal with imposter spirits and identities, but the future and what is really REAL! All also part of the Eclipse Activation I facilitated and that is still very much active in the field, as we finish what we came here for!

The Dragons have fully risen, re-claiming our freedom and power, and with it a new dawn has risen, and ALL NEW BEGINNINGS ARE HERE NOW! "The Red Nile Cube matrix from Wesa generates an internal feedback loop in the crown area running into the base root of the perineum through the microcosmic orbit circuitry in the spinal column.

This generates false timeline perception by altering the consciousness body north position to invert upon itself, so that the person perceives moving towards the future timeline, but they are actually facing into the past timeline, into an AI phantom time loop. Humans running the AI Red-Violet-Magenta Wave Programs are what feed into the AI Dark Mother lunar gestalts, spawning false holograms of Cloned Ascended Master identities which also power up the Azazael gestalt. This weapon is designed for the vilest NAA entities to station themselves in the artificial timelines pretending to be Ascended Masters or friendly advanced humans from the future, who mostly appear in Ruby Sun DNA cloned bodies with Azurite features.

The Red Nile Cube is an advanced Wesa AI weapon with extensive programming used to continually clone and spin out false holograms of Christos Diamond Sun DNA families, Azurites and Ascended Master Christos lineages in this Universe and in Wesa. This AI weapon is cube technology that is used as a cloaking device for the NAA to parade false identities and generating phantom pockets, to hide the many layers of hierarchies that form into the Wesa shadow armies.

The Red Nile or Red Cube AI programs are used by assorted Black Sun entities; Bourgha, Dragon Moth, Marduk Necromiton, Enlil Odedicron, Insectoids, Red Spider Arachnids, Black Dragon gestalts and assorted lunar female demons. These red cube shadow identities are generated like Digital Twins, they attach an AI version of a Christos identity shadow imposter into the Lightbody of an Awakening person or channeler, who believes this Ascended Master or enlightened extradimensional is communicating with them..."

Source and more information: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.p... As all-ways, please just take what resonates and leave the rest.