dinsdag 8 november 2022

Energy Update ~ Aluna Joy Yaxkin

Yesterday, in preparation for the lunar eclipse, I took a good part of the day to tend to my earth medicine wheel. When I created the medicine wheel 24 years ago, I dedicated it to the Earth. It means tending to it also means I am tending to the earth. I made sure there were no weeds or debris inside the circle and then I continued to clean around the outside of the circle as well.  I was careful not to harm the poppies still growing there. So odd they forgot what season it is.
In a three block radius or so of where I live, also runs the  plumed serpent ley line that circumnavigates the entire earth. To be honest, I can’t take credit for this coincidence because I didn’t move here that consciously, it just felt like a good place for me. Now I know it was divine synchronicity and spirit that directed me to this spot and for this I’m always grateful. 
And in the middle of the night, as the lunar eclipse began it literally woke me up. I went to the window and I could see it was one quarter eclipsed already. I sat there and said a few prayers for earth and humanity, then I went back to bed. When eclipsed was total, it woke me up with a jolt. I could feel the collective fear patterns lodged in earth and in the hearts of humanity quaking as the earth’s shadow had completely crossed over the moon. I didn’t react to the this deep fear pattern. I simply sent love and appreciation to the moon, the earth, and all of humanity.
What a vast feeling it is to know the sun’s light reflecting on the moon has been temporarily blocked by the earth. No wonder the ancients thought it was a bad omen. You could feel the deep collective shadow rising up to be acknowledged. Now we understand this is a great opportunity to face our collective shadow, because what we feel and face, we can heal and move past.  It also teaches us the darkness that our world faces these days can be nothing but temporary. It is not about fighting this darkness. That would be like fighting the darkness with the same sword the darkness is fighting with you. The only thing that can heal the darkness… is Love.
Just send out LOVE everyone. Let it drip off you like honey and let it feed the earth under your feet. Appreciate the fact that our fragile human bodies are allowed to walk on this earth at all, is a divine miracle. What a vulnerable and outrageously magically life we all live. We are glued to this life experience only by a deep radical … and mostly unconscious … TRUST in a grand universe in which we live.  I’m learning to appreciate my life experience all over again. 
Not my picture by the way.
My camera and I are not that clever!