maandag 22 augustus 2022

Update ~ Mary Long

This came into me over the weekend, and it must be shared as everything continues to collapse.
Humanity must come to the awareness that our leaders cannot be depended upon.

History continues to repeat itself where those of riches have the power to repeat needless wars to only make money off the less fortunate. The more power they attain the more money they steal from hardworking people that they make think they always have their back or are protecting. None of what they tell you is true: I don't care who is saying it.

Voting systems have been rigged from the beginning and the corporations will continue to control Humanity as long as we allow ourselves to trust them.

We must begin by forming committees of our own, not in a political way but in a humanitarian way.

Politics is nothing more than a constant regime that doesn't give a damn about you. The Rich and Wealthy never have it is all about self-serving corporations that use humanity to make more riches no matter who dies for their cause.

They even have you thinking that you are polluting the planet when they are the main cause. Ripping and stripping the resources from our Mother Earth. As they continue to do so they are spending trillions of tax dollars building and supplying underground bunkers for their own survival.

It is vital that we depend upon ourselves and not put our trust in self-serving leaders no matter what party, both are corrupted.
Bring your communities together and talk about what to do during a disaster situation no matter what it may be.

We must Learn to be more sovereign and less dependent on governments.
Grow food, plant fruit trees, store food, have community resources in your areas.
Humanity is in this together no matter color, culture, or beliefs. No government offers help to us, but they make you think they do.

They are out for themselves and conjure ways to continue stealing from humanity. They never cared what happens to us, they are all set and will leave all the rest of us to depend on ourselves while they live comfortably in their safe zones.
Take this into your consciousness and be aware of our shared humanity, it is the only resource we truly have in each other.

Let's work together and not against each other