woensdag 24 augustus 2022

Transit through these Current Energetic shifts ~ Raising Vibrations

Family of Light as we Transit through these Current Energetic shifts, you will find that many Souls are on different levels of Consciousness, different stages of Evolution.

This Involves many family members, partners , lovers, friends.
We cannot force souls to understand what their not ready to comprehend, it's like teaching a Baby to read, understand that it is what it is for each individual Soul here.

Doesn't mean we don't Love them it means their not ready yet and that's ok.
Seems Harsh yes , but we are here for Unity Consciousness and all Humanity not just One or a few that's ok. In you I Trust.

Understand we cannot Drag people along as we are only forsaking our own Souls growth, the best thing you can do is plant the Seeds of Creation and Wisdom, what happens from there is not your Responsibility, you came here to Serve Humanity and shine your Love your Heart and Light.

To wait until they Awaken is not Serving Humanity or yourself.
We came here for a purpose and all Humanity not just One, if they can't or are unwilling to Awaken to see the truth then they have to stand up and use the keys to Awaken themselves, sometimes the greatest Gift to give them is to allow them to fall and learn to pick themselves up, if this means walking away then that's the best you can do for your own self Love and self worth, care.

Those ascending have had to let a lot of people go over these last years so as to continue Serving Humanity and further grow into ourself.

It's not Selfish to walk away in fact it's self preservation for your own growth, we are here to continue Raising our Vibration as we all continue to shift into the Higher Vibration timeline.

Seraph Knight
Art Pintrest
Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo'