maandag 22 augustus 2022

The Global Purpose is Oneness for all Humanity. ~ Raising Vibrations

The Global Purpose is Oneness for all Humanity.

Family of Light For this Mission to Succeed we must Embrace the Dark and Light and our Divinity to become One with the World.
We must Embrace the Light within and that Surrounds us as we Transit home into a New Dawn for Humanity.

There is a Monumental Shift in Humanties Conscious Awakening currently as the Light from the Central Sun continues to surge through The planet and Humanity as a whole, they are feeling the intensity.

The Truth is coming further to the surface as the Divine Plan unfolds from Source Creation.
The Planet is Aligning more with Timeline, Ley line and Energetic Grid shifts.

Many Souls are feeling the intensity of Physical shifts within their Own Physicality with Aches and Emotions coming to the surface for clearing as they realign with their True Divinity and Authentic self.

Trust in You, trust in the Divine Plan, trust in your Heart and Soul, trust in your Higher Self for you will be guided every step of the way, silence the mind allow Spirit to guide you.
These are Exciting and challenging time's for Humanity as many will make much Noise of the Unfolding of this Transformational stage.

The old 3D paradigm is Being Dismantled and many are Fearful of the changes.

As Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds and Wisdom Holders we will be required to assist others as this change continues to help them understand there is nothing to Fear as the world changes.

We are the Seeds of Creation and Change here.
Everything you Fear to Loose is a Illusion.
Let go And Claim your Rightful place here as a Free Sovereign being.

Release the Fears, Limitations you've Placed upon you and Rise into free Sovereign beings of Love and Light.

Claim your Sacredness and Freedom and Power.
This has a ripple effect across the planet.
We are Multidimensional beings of Light.

We are the Light Keepers Wayshowers and Wisdom Keepers.
We Rise together as One Unified Collective Stream of Love and Light.

Love you all.
We are One 144000

Seraph Knight
Artist Dasha Zubova