"The Divine Law of Resonance
At this momentous time we all need to become aware of the Divine Law of Resonance.
Everything is vibration and frequency – thus all is energetic.
Whatever energy we expend, is returned to us almost instantaneously now, so we need to become aware of what we are energetically broadcasting out into the world.
Vibrational frequency will always attract and resonate, with matching resonance vibrations and frequencies.
Thus the more you shift into the higher vibrational frequencies with the dimensional shift, the more the Law of Resonance comes into form and being. You will attract into your energy fields and life, those who resonate with you: - who are on the same wavelength and frequency band as you are, and broadcasting on the same wavelength, or frequency band.
Those who cannot tune into your resonance fields, will just start falling by the wayside, for they cannot tune into that higher energy field.
Again, the question arises: What do you wish to co-create from this moment forward, in the New Earth? What is it that you wish to not only co-create but leave as a lasting legacy to the New Humanity in the New Golden Age?
Ask these questions, and you cannot play small any longer, your visions start expanding, and the bigger the vision, the more you are being asked to step up into the resonance fields of that which you truly wish to create with great love, in the highest and best ways for highest good of all.
It is important to understand that when you do this, you need to become of self-sabotaging thoughts, feelings, belief systems, which the negative ego will churn up, to bring discord within yourself. This can also come from outside, for it the outside voice drains out your own inner voice, you can set as much intent as you like, but what will manifest is that you are thinking, saying, and how you are acting or not acting.
When one is totally in the highest resonance with the Soul, and with the intent with you put out, plus the way you live your life, your thoughts, your words, the music and energy you put out, your daily actions will be AS ONE with the Field! You will literally LIVE that field and thus resonate in the deepest sense with it, for you ARE it!
A wonderful way, to help you stay in the highest resonance fields is by affirming what you do wish to create.
More than this, become aware of thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, and when you step out of the intentions set by the affirmation, immediately affirm life, and stop negating life and the very resonance fields your wish to create! Remember your life is your sole responsibility, and what you choose to co-create, how you choose to live, what you choose to express, etc. No one can take your freedom away, unless you allow them to!
I AM choosing to totally stay focused on stepping fully into the New Earth, to be purified more and more, as I am leaving the Old Earth behind me forever.
I AM crystal clear about what it is that I wish to co-create in the New Earth and the New Golden Age, with great love, in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all.
I AM choosing my freedom as soul, for I cannot be bound by anyone or anything – I AM free to create my own highest resonance fields and to attract those who are on the same wavelength and frequency band as I AM.
I AM clearly seeing the New Earth in her exquisite beauty, vibrant and alive with new life and new beginnings, in unity, harmony and love and I AM welcoming her, and I rejoice as I AM living life, and life more abundantly!
I AM grateful that my soul rises in transcendence and transfiguration and stands in the fullness of the truth of who and what I AM in truth!
I AM choosing to live my highest soul truth, with pure, unconditional love, AS ONE with the Divine Source within me.
I AM creating the highest resonance fields, and attracting what and who resonates with the highest purpose and mission and calling of my soul.
Judith Kusel
Photo: The Rays of Light. Source unknown. If you know the Source then please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.