Since March 2022 I have received 4 signs to take my Path to Mexico. The signs came as 2 Learning Dreams, 1 repeated Third Eye scene, 2 physical eye sights of Higher Frequency Light as personal confirmation.
My deep heartfelt gratitude for the love, generosity and kindness given by various beings that intuited in advance my path to Mexico. You know who you are. Without your support, this journey would not be possible. Also, my gratitude to family and close friends, for your CONTINUOUS Loving support, given in YOUR uniquely beautiful ways. THANK YOU all, with all of my heart.
I adore the fact that I know nothing about Mexico. So LOVE I am walking in the UNKNOWN. As this allows me to walk where I am shown by my Consciousness, by Mother Earth and Elements, and other various Energetics. Without influence of my Human Mind. I will give the Energy of Love, and interact with Energies as guided. I can’t wait to experience The People in Mexico. A lot of my time will be spent quietly interacting as energy, with ENERGY, with the WATERS, MOTHER EARTH and Being with my path with God.
I also feel there may be a physical ‘Gathering’. I can’t give a date or location yet, as I’ll be shown within if, where and when this is to be. If you resonate with Gathering Together, please just keep an eye to this wall or on Utube. As I will update if or when I know more.
Flying out today 22💙, landing 💙22💙. Length of stay…unknown
Remember it is approximately 22-23 August we come out of our own individual ‘Passageway’ to arrive at our next ENERGETIC Light Node Point (not a physical location).
Yet as that next Light Node trajectory begins, and we begin to experience differently,
we will STILL be in a type of ‘energetic holding’. Meaning, behind the scenes, our CONSCIOUSNESS is preparing us in the linear time period 22 August to 22 September 2022 for our own harvest.
Autumn Equinox being the NODE POINT that we each receive our OWN HARVEST, based on what we put in, sowed, tendered, nurtured in the whole of the previous EARTH / SUN CYCLE from September Equinox 2021 to September Equinox 2022. Each human harvests, based on that solar year’s service to God/One/Source/Creator.
That service does not need to be AWAKENED SERVICE or ‘Spiritual’ Service’. For as explained, God’s energy is LOVE. Where many unawakened live by their HEARTS, and give by their HEARTS daily. Love IS All-INCLUSIVE. For God is ALL LOVE underlying ALL CREATION. Love is not a mind thought or idea, it is the ESSENCE of God, embodied by degrees, of The Octaves God created, to be remembered by humanity. One by one…
I will KEEP SUPPORTING on my wall as ALWAYS, always as guided, in whatever form that takes.
Sending Love to you,
Amanda Lorence
22 August 2022