donderdag 11 augustus 2022

Energy Update ~ Sparks of Divine Light Healing

It’s the last of the three Super Moons we have had this year. These energies are so powerful because we are still in the Lions Gate Portal right now.

Right now we have so much energy coming in from the Source. This energy is flowing through the Galactic Center and streaming through the Galactic Central Sun, and then through our Sun. This energy is hitting our Planet and streaming through all of us.

It will depend on how open you are to the energies, as to how your feeling and handling it. We have the Galactics here. They have been here and have been using there technology to help those that want it. Many of their missions are of healing, and of helping with the healing process.

There is a lot of energetic assistance that is happening, and of teaching new more effective ways of healing. A lot of help is happening because of the ascension. People are going through more intense lessons now because of the energies and where they are at. There is an acceleration that is happening. Many are not doing the work, so they aren’t seeing much change happening. You have to make things happen too.

Many are choosing to stay in the old right now, and that is ok. It’s up to you to be making any changes that you may need to see in your life. This is an extra purifying Super Moon too. We are clearing so much so fast right now. These energies are amazing for ditching any low vibrational energies or bad habits. It’s a great time to detox or to clear things like smoking, sugar, alcohol, addictions, or connections you know aren’t great for you.

It’s a good time for releasing what no longer serves you. Aquarius rules the nervous system. That means we may be feeling anything not great for us a little extra right now. Pay attention if things are weighing heavy on you, or stressing you out. There is a lot of transmuting happening with these energies right now. That means we are clearing old energies.

Make sure your saging and doing some type of energy work. The energy work will help you with clearing any blocks within your chakra system. I think of Aquarius as a very karmic sign. Huge cycles of past karma are going to have to come back around for some. Any that have had huge karmic lessons in the past that are still unresolved in any way. This is meant to bring a healing. This can be in a good way though.

It may not feel like that going through it though for some. It may feel like things you had moved past are coming back up. This could mean a balance that will occur in your life. The lemons of your past being made into lemonade. If you lost something you’ll get it back unexpectedly. Ultimately this is meant to empower you, for some you will get your wings back. It’s a good time to be working with, or working on the third eye. Expect extra third eye and DNA activations to continue this week.

Be mindful that it may have you overthinking. We are still in a powerful space for manifesting too. Make sure your using the rest of the Lions Gate portal too. With the frequencies rising it’s so important that your tapping into your dreams right now to manifest your highest reality. 811 is also absolutely a sign relating to your twin flame. It has to do with big changes that are coming.

This could be a sign from your angels that your twin flame is coming, or just around the corner. If your in a Union this is a beautiful energy for your connection. These energies can help you come into, or come back into synch with your twin flame.