We are in for more clearing of the old programs, belief systems, old woundedness - so often deeply unconscious and buried, whatever we could not have expressed – or has been deliberately suppressed, whatever is still there lurking, in whatever form, is being churned up, so that we can finally let go and be freed on all levels.
This so often involves deep shadow work, but at the same time, a deepening love for the self – who so often was bewildered and lost on planet earth, and thus always did the best it could in the circumstances it found itself in.
Compassion includes the self and much as it includes others. For what you see in others, is there within you! It might not have been in this lifetime but in others.
Again, as we heal ourselves, we heal others.
As we step past this all, and therefore onto the Rainbow Bridge and into the New Earth, without any baggage in any form or way weighing us down, we pave the way for other souls to follow suit.
It is the Power of Love, which indeed, is seeing us find those wings again, and unfurling them, and indeed, rising into the truth of who and what we are – at SOUL level!
Authentic, truthful, real! Integrity, Truth, Unconditional Love.
Pure Intent.
Cocreating in the highest and best ways for the highest good of all – in unity and harmony with All That Is!
What a beautiful unfolding this is!
Judith Kusel
Photo: Daniel B. Holeman