You have been misleaded to worship a Man, Jesus, used as a distraction to blind your eyes from the Truth about the Christ.
The Christ is the divine essence available in every human being.
The Sacred Oil that is activated in your solar plexus , where the Christ is born, to rises up along the 33 vertebrae of your spine.
The 33 vertebrae represent the double helix string of DNA
. The stairs of Jacob.

This is the Kundalini awakening that upgrades the human body into the full divine operation like God has created it.
All humans should come to understand how to achieve this ascension on the stairs into heaven.
Heaven is a state of being.
Your divine bleuprint and birthright.
When the Mind and the Heart are connected, you are Aligned with your Higher Self and the DNA 2 strands are not seperated but whole: they form the stairs to heaven.
Stairs to ascend upon your divine unique soul path in this life.
Heaven is a place, dimension, experience on earth.
When the Mind and the Heart are seperated the ascension process stagnates.
The DNA strands are seperated, unwholy, broken.
You remain stuck in the lower 3D vibrations of Fear, Shame and Guilt programmed to believe you are unworthy.
This has been going on for centuries, generation after generation.
The Elite have used evil ways to keep the DNA strands of humanity seperated and stuck in low vibrations.
Via; religion fear mind programming, ley line havks, MK ultra frequencies , food manipulation (sugar, chemicals, hormones etc.), chemtrails, big pharma, tech manipulation and control, fluoride programs, etc. etc. etc.
When you start to break free from the individual, tribal and collective Mind programming, start healing and learn how to Master your Mind, Body and Spirit.
You repair the chakras from the blocks that allow the divine flow of God to move through you freely.
You heal your DNA mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
You become, not only excisting linear in 3D on a mental and physical level, but you become your Quantum concious highest Self connected to all there is.
When the Christ is activated to meet the Father, in the pineal gland, you enter into the kingdom of heaven, when you balance your masculine and feminine polarities and you start to live in gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, service to others, will power.
Jesus was just an highly evolved soul, like many others that are here now, that activated his Christ.
The personification of a Divine Principle like the Christ is used to manipulate consciousness so you believe you can never be like him.
Religion taught you he is the son of God and you are born in sin.
That is how the programming and the evil curse humanity has been victim of works.
Now is the time to reverse this manipulation.
You are not born in sin.
You are the Son of God.
You can activate the Christ.
Sending love into this world