This is a long read, and worth keeping for the path, in the times ahead. Please discard if it doesn’t resonate. It is just my experience and all paths lead home.
In BEing, there is no identity. There is no indentifying. There is the absence of identifying (any thing).
Within the stages of ascension/enlightenment/becoming Conscious Awareness, we are the seeker, seeking to identify ourself, by seeking outside of ourself. We seek ourself via solid object experiences and solid human experiences and our perception of them. We also seek via our mental and emotional responses, as well as HOW we feel.
And for the experience whilst identifiying as ‘human’, ‘human’ pain arises when it is REALISED, no other human identity outside of our Self, is FULLY capable of identifying us AS we ‘perceive’ our identity (small self) to be. In other words, still in HUMAN IDENTITY PERCEPTION, we seek others to identify with. But that is the ‘human aspect/identity/personality’, seeking other human identities, to identify with. To share identifying with, to share human aspect perceptions with, to resonate in similar human perceptions with. This is the human, seeking itself as it’s personality.
Until we reach READY STAGE, to give up our own identity/personality aspect. Which is the cause of our/any human perceptional point of main experience. It is a ready point, an ascension STAGE. A stage to enlightment. Which is established within the individual when they have fully REALised, there is no personal identity outside of itself, that will ever identify us HOW we truly experience ‘our’ form of aliveness, via ‘our’ human body of multi-faceted frequencies (Solid body with a mind/Soul without a human mind/Source ITSelf). Or how we perceive and experience WITHIN as:
self (from a human identity)
Self (our individual non solid Creator without the human identity)
Soul (pure light energy, non human, accumulator of ALL our forms and experiences)
Source (no identification,no form, no formless, IT just IS, I)
So let us really grasp this.
If you witness the rock from human (personality) self, does it matter that the rock does not perceive you the way your humanness perceives you. As you sit in the company of an animal, does it really matter that the animal can not perceive your thoughts, your humanness or identity the way you perceive your self? If in human identity mode, we are in full acceptance that the rock just is, that the plant just is, that the animal just is...their particular CONSCIOUSNESS STATE of the Divine Source.
We come to a point where we REALise, are in TRUE INNER KNOWING, that there will never be ANother human being outside of us, that perceives us, the way we perceive ourselves (small self/identity/personality). The way WE personally identify with our ‘humanised’ self. It is upon this REALisation we arrive at, after playing and playing and playing with other identities within the 4D field, that we finally REAL eyes, there is no identity/overlay/personality outside of OUR ‘own’ personality/identity, that will ever perceive us the way we experience ourselves from WITHIN. We can resonate and align with the thoughts, feelings and experiences of others outside of us. There will be others we can relate to in many ways, but each of THOSE (separated) identities perceive through their OWN eyes, their OWN feelings, their OWN Self created experiences, their OWN personality, their OWN belief systems (that can be shared by another), their behavioural patterns (we can have similar ones to each other or not). ANother will also perceive us based on their own journeying, based on their SOUL’s accumulated experiences of lives and forms and intentions for THIS human experience. Based on their human point/stage in their conscious awareness. Based on experiences that have been experienced and are still yet to will be experienced for their SOUL, VIA a solid light human body integrated or not integrated with it’s SOUL, light body and with SOURCE that evolves (or not) into more, increasing CONSCIOUS awareness of ITSelf.
There is only ONE, that perceive the personality ‘you’, the way you perceive yourself/Self. Knows HOW ‘YOU’ experience and perceive everything. And that ONE is the Divine Source/God/Creator, that has always resided within you. Within the rock, within the plant and within animal. Within EVERY human and created form. Within solid, liquid and gaseous state. Within every cloud, raindrop, and particle, electron, nucleus. Within every space of a FORMless stage. The SOURCE that is ESSENCE, that is WITHIN and WITHOUT, that IS above and below, in ALL of IT’s creation. That ALWAYS resided within YOU, the human being. Through the personality/identity, God/Source/The Creator experiences BEing of human, and experiences identifying with being an identity, separate to ITSelf. IT (Source) also experiences each’s belief systems of what God IS, as well as the PRETENCE of a human in forgetfulness, thinking, saying, or preaching they KNOW of God/Source/Creator. Source experiences it all, of ITSelf here within a solid holographic reality: The experience of being lost in human non belief, human pretence of knowing ITSelf, then via the human VESSEL, of once again BEcoming ITSelf, through each that choose to KNOW, seek, find, know, BY ever increasing the human CONSCIOUSNESS within the Creator’s design for ITSelf to know ITSelf more.
When the initiate is at READY point/stage, the human surrenders it’s limiting identity. To journey on, allowing the infinite, experiencing via the human body and light body. Integrating more, as the ONE SOURCE that feels, observes, as the SOURCE. This is another stage and process. The ever present Divine (present in all creation), becomes the only ONE that is the understanding the human, in all of it’s moments. Not just some of your moments. No explanation is needed. At this stage, ALL KNOWledge is accessed within. Via the inner consciousness state of feeling and interacting with anything outside of itself. And so the journey then becomes the INNER focus OF the Divine within you. It is this journey that has already begun for a few, since January 2020 based on their Solstice Gateway of 2019. Their journey to FEEL and to EXPERIENCE the Divine, firstly from WITHIN, in an abundance of experiences within AND without, that started a process of TRULY getting to know, one step at a time, the God within. And this continues for these beings until they reach or have reached the point of giving up their humanised identity. Most likely before this Solstice. Their Solstice 2020, will be different to the main large amount of awakened humans that enter the gateway this Solstice 2020.
For many many many awakened humans, this Solstice 2020 will bring about a year of what the forerunners have already gone through. So it is this Solstice gateway of 2020, that MANY within the ‘spiritual community’ will begin to experience, increasingly so, the Divine ESSENCE within them in their months ahead in 2021. That will just expand and expand and expand as they CONNECT, in a far more powerful INNER way within themselves. A journey that will lead them, to GIVING BACK their human identity they lived and perceived by. The human ‘identity’ that may be currently experiencing great inner turmoil and suffering in it’s disconnected moments from it’s ever present Source.
This is why the experiences EACH awakened being has been having/will vary. An experience that started at Sept Equinox through to Solstice 2020. Each experience a DEATH yet the stage is so varied. It depends on Consciousness level:
3D: Death of a loved one. The start of the death of their predominant 3D perspective, inner reflection.Some leave.
Main 4D awakened: FINAL Death at path JUNCTURE stage. Beginning of Initiation stage into higher more frequent higher conscious perception. Some also have PREchosen to leave.
Forerunners: Death of the the human Identity.
Have already undergone this, THIS YEAR, each in different months this year, as some fore-runners are still about to dis-connect from their own individualised identity/personality, in preparation for their Solstice Gateway. It is AFTER the giving up of the identity, that our consciousness changes, at first slowly, preparing us for an advancing Consciousness State that will experience permanently OUTSIDE of the human vessel. In our stages towards this, we experience a new relationship with the rock, the animal, the tree, each human being...outside of ourselves IN WAKING EVERY DAY STATE. A deeper consciousness, far higher in our hertz frequency, of our senses. Because instead of seeing the rock as the rock and accepting the rock for the consciousness the rock experiences by, we are able to connect far FAR DEEPER to the rock. Because in our awake conscious sight and hearing of being, we do not PERCEIVE the rock as the rock. We PERCEIVE and feel and interact with the ever pervading DIVINE SOURCE ITSELF that is also the rock, and creator of the rock, and the creator WITHIN, of our SELF. And the same is experienced with an animal, a tree, a bird, the wind, the rain, a human etc. Instead of seeing the animal as an animal, or a human being AS THEIR PERSONALITY, we SEE the Divine Pressence within them. Even if they can not experience it for themselves if they perceive via their personality. No matter what consciousness level anyone or anything IS, WE in OUR consciousness state experience the SOURCE presence within them and everything. It is THIS we see, hear and connect to and by. And so meet the Divine Source in all things. God within us, seeing God without, Seeing God Loving back at us...We no longer see through the physical, emotional, or mental eyes of the identity we have given up, we see, feel, experience through the EYE of SOURCE.
It is the awakened ones that work with conscious awarensss of energy (we all transmit energy, just some aren’t consciously aware of how just yet), that the Diivne Will of Source works through them, and assists the human beings in unawakened 3D, via direct energy transfer (Translocational Waves). See previous videos of 2019 regards Translocational Waves. Only last night I was shown (again) a point where the unawakened arrive into the HIGHER FREQUENCY reality (Higher frequency Earth experience). Their Heart led them home. Love just IS. Being shown this again last night, filled my heart in over-flowing gratitude for this grand divine design of ONE.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
19 November 2021
PS. Added note for clarification: Dissolving the programme of ‘identity’ doesn’t mean you become without character. We just lose the programme (overlay) that contained us. We become MORE. And our love becomes purer as it’s Source Love known, felt, given, minus the identity overlay that held on to distortions, beliefs, behaviours. Identity is only given up at the beings ready stage to finally let go of that which contained it, limited it’s experience to a degree. You become become at one with Source within yet retain individuality as a facet with human form. And thus know freedom outside of the box