Since the 5th July 2020, the Old 3D and the Old Earth does not exist anymore, except in holographic form.
On the very same day, the 3rd dimensional Timeline split from the 5th and the New Earth was born and the New Golden Age.
What is more, since that day, by Divine Dispensation, the karma has been lifted of all souls on planet earth.
Note that many in the 3D will still play out the old karma, the old duality, polarity etc. and thus choose to remain there. Yet, the wake up calls will become more and more persistently stronger, as the Old earth disintegrates, and with it all she once held.
The Highest Christed State, is already here and we are now asked to truly embrace this higher state, leaving everything (and I mean everything) of the old Earth behind us, as we step into the Highest Truth of our Souls, the truth of who and what we are at SOUL level, and fully claim our highest Divinity, as within the Christedness. For Yeshua has returned, and therefore is appearing to more and more souls.
I have had quite a few occasions in the last few weeks, and today, where he appeared to me, and thus I will share with you what is happening and why. Mary Magdalene works alongside him, and they are both working with the Open Heart of Humanity in profound ways.
Judith Kusel