Sharing with you an experience I had yesterday as I think it is important that we understand not only what is happening, but what we can do to assist. I laid down to journey. I knew that my presence was needed in the realms. I put on drumming music and let myself go.
I find myself swimming in beautiful clear blue water that had rays from the sun beaming through the water.I swam towards the light of the sun, popping my head up above the water. I knew I wasn’t in human form. I saw the bright sun, white sand, and palm trees.
I swam towards the shore and as I climbed onto the shore, my arms and legs came from my form, and my seal skin became a cloak. I had been a Selkie, an elemental being that can turn from a seal to a human and back again.
As I was regaining my balance I found myself surrounded by men with spears telling me to come with them. I was surprised by the welcome I was receiving.
I was lead to the Queen of this area. She was happy to see me. I inquired about the armed guards and she told me that there had been threats to her life. The energy of the place had changed so much. There was fear here now and it had affected everything. I could feel how people were closing off. When I tapped into it, It physically hurt in my form and filled me with sadness.
She asked me for the report and I brought her nothing but difficult news. The storm as I called it was a race of people that wanted to conquer others. They experimented and slaughtered any being that was not like them.
I told her that the realms have decided to close. She was shocked. It would mean that the nature spirits, the mermaids, unicorns, selkies, and all the other Elementals would no longer openly interact with the world.
I explained to the Queen that the frequency of the earth continues to drop as man closes their hearts and becomes dominated by their minds. It was no longer safe for the realms to interact. She had feared that this day would come and her face looked resigned to the unstoppable storm that was coming closer and closer.
She asked when or if they would reopen and I showed her a special gold symbol. I explained that when humans are born in large numbers with this symbol encoded within their DNA, it will be time.
I was then pulled from this scene and into the room where I routinely meet with my team. I was told that these children have begun to come in, but that more and more will be coming in. They are the Golden children with an unbreakable bond with the earth. Yet, they must reach out for the realms as the realms reach for them. It was explained that before the realms completely open again, they must feel that it is safe.
I then understood why I was asked to present the Nature Spirits class again. These children are here and more are coming every day. In order to properly support these children, the adults need to reconnect with the realms. In order to do that, we must heal the disconnect within that started when humans left their hearts and let the mind dominate. I also understood why so many people have been desiring or dreaming elemental, nature spirit contact or have been receiving messages from nature. It is time and these children need support to know that they are not crazy so that they will not feel the need to close down their connection.
There have been other waves of children that have come in, such as the Indigo and Crystal children. We have seen them struggle with the education system, labeled and medicated and get sucked into the technology of our world. Some have felt a horrible disconnect, depression, and apathy. These are the same risks that the new ones coming in are facing without a proper support system. We the ones one the path of awakening are their support system. It is time that we open up to the realms and become a beacon for the new ones coming in.
It was also explained to me that what I witnessed in my journey was the time when Lemuria, a heart-centered, earth connected society was ending. While Lemuria was ending, Atlantis a mind driven society was rising. Now we are returning to our hearts and in order to be fully in this space, it requires that we connect with the Earth mother.
If you are wanting assistance with connecting with the realms, join me in the 8 weeks online interactive course Connecting with the Nature Spirits. This course will help you to not only connect with the realms but to heal the disconnect within. If you are wanting to connect with the nature spirits and earth on a much deeper level, they too are wanting to connect with you. They asked that I give this course one more time, it is the only time it will be available this year.
The nature spirits are asking us to be awake, aware and in full partnership with them. Incredible healers of the mind, body, and soul, they offer you the keys to your once held Magic that so many of us pushed away as a child.
The course information is online but we will meet as a group during the course to discuss the information and the exercises. This is a jam-packed fun course that will help take you to the nature realms.

Class starts on March 16th or March 19th, two separate times to accommodate the many time zones. Register for the class now.
Click here for more info: