donderdag 19 maart 2020

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

"The other years, indeed were but a preparation for what is not to come, as her soul took it upon itself to help humanity through the massive and intense and immense shifts in consciousness and vibration frequencies, and the immense shifts from the 3rd into the 5th and back to the 7th dimensional states. 

This all has been declared need to be complete by 2034 and thus the next years you will be called into service in ways you never were called upon before.

The letting go was merely a preparation, so that you do not attach to anything anymore, but to learn the path of Mastery. In that then, it is one thing to walk as Galactic master, and quite another to walk in planet earth. In that then, know that immense challenges will be upon humanity, to finally let go of the old systems, the old structures, the old forms of the 3D, the control and the manipulation and wars and such like and to step into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, and return to the state of unity and oneness for the Age of Aquarius and the New Golden Age.

Immense transition and transformation and transcendence is thus now in the order of the day, and this is not for shrinking violets, but for souls of the highest caliber and those who are willing to step into the highest service with great love and devotion. It means the visionaries, the far-seeing, the innovative, the one who can transcend the old earth and way of life, and create a totally new way of life and living. 

Thus, high caliber souls like yourself and this transmitter channel incarnated, so that you can lift humanity through this time, and to stand leaders, as the way showers, and pave new and higher ways for humanity. This is what you are called upon to do and grow ever more into and then lead from the front. "

Copyright Applies; Excerpt from a Soul Reading done by me

Judith Kusel