Energy Update: Ascension Symptoms Due To Approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse

By Diane Canfield
Blessings Beloveds,
Todays article is a quick update of the current energies.
We are experiencing Ascension Symptoms due to the approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th. Yes, it happens this way many can feel the effects before the event occurs. Many are becoming very sensitive to MOON fluctuations now and the Eclipses are known for bringing in energy before, during and after the event.
Symptoms that many are experiencing are:
- Extreme Hunger
- Extreme Blurry Eyes
- Extreme Insomnia
- Increase In Psychic Seeing/ Clairvoyance
- Intense Dreams With Messages
- Periods Of Blissful Feelings

Frequency Changes
These are all symptoms of frequency changes due to planetary events on their way. New Moon/ Partial Solar Eclipse. Ascension symptoms come in as a way of showing us the frequency changes we are experiencing. Every time we move up in vibration, we will feel the ascension symptoms.
As I have reported many times in my past articles, NO ONE will ever outgrow ascension symptoms. They are after all, symptoms of ascension, symptoms that we are in fact ascending out of this 3D reality.
If you love the 3D reality and are struggling to hang on to it, it will delay your ascension process. You must want to experience more. You must want to reside in higher consciousness. You must want to see the benefits to everyone living in harmony and love. 3D is a world of duality and opposites. The 3D world and all of its constructs are leaving.
Most in the ascension process are ready to move out of this learning lesson and onto a better reality of peace, love, harmony, kindness, and cooperation. If we were not ready, it would not be happening. It is only happening because we reached a point in our awareness that started to surpass the human stage and enter into the galactic stage.
I will be posting a longer detailed article shortly about advanced symptoms that we as ascenders can experience, based on my own unique psychic insight and experiences. .
Remember these dates as the Eclipse Season approaches:
July 13 New Moon
July 13 Partial Solar Eclipse
July 27 Full Moon
July 27 Total Lunar Eclipse
August 11 New Moon
August 11 Partial Solar Eclipse
August 26 Full Moon
I will be updating as energy changes occur