woensdag 21 maart 2018

On the Speedtrain – the Resurrection Pathway ~ Vera Ingeborg

The frequencies are reaching new heights. We are dealing with geostorms, and earthquakes, that actually reflect our state of being within. We are sitting in a speedtrain to New Earth manifestation and Sacred Union. We are in the middle of a huge resurrection gateway.

This gateway has been beyond challenging for many as frequencies rise higher and higher. The new divine masculine energy is merciless and strips away everything that is not in line with our truth and which we do not need anymore. We are pushed into taking responsibility now for our own energy and owning our stuff. Judgment and blame becomes unbearable as it hits back very hard. The triggers are huge. And they need to be, because it is a big final cleansing to prepare us for a new cycle of co-creation. So take the trigger and leave the rest. They are really serving us to move through the shifts as quickly as possible. And that needs our acceptance instead of going into another round of fighting, ignoring, or freezing. Although very uncomfortable, the shifts are also happening much quicker than before.

The first big Wave of Awakening is happening now 

The world is waking up and in complete chaos. And as soon as the dust settles, a lot of people will reach out for support to find answers and a way how to deal with what is going on. It has already started, and we can notice that people are a lot more open and receptive to the information we are transmitting and the lifestyle we are living, fully anchored into the now moment, based on oneness and unconditional love. People are sick of the old way and yet they don’t know yet, how the new way looks like. At the same time they suffer from all the physical symptoms that these waves are causing, mistaking them for diseases such as the flu, migraines, panic attacks and emotional breakouts etc. They are desperate, as no medicine or pill is making the pain go away.
“Many of the wave awakening now are just angry, confused, shocked and automatically go into their ego patterns of blame and judgment.” 
Many of them are just angry, confused, shocked at the moment and automatically go into their ego patterns of blame and judgment. Yet, as the old 3D/4D timeline was deleted, the resonance field for these patterns is gone, too. And that means that everyone has to look at and deal with their stuff, because it is no longer possible to project it onto others. The first big wave of awakening has started. Their process is different as they had no access to unity consciousness and the life force, so any spiritual methods that sound too woowoo and are not down to earth enough will not work as they cannot relate to any of it. Also – the time of disempowerment and dependency is over. We are all asked to help people into their own power, by being spaceholders and available to them when they are reaching out for help to find their truth. By asking the right questions and giving right impulses instead of giving them the answers, we help them the quickest way.
“This wave will have to work bottom up, through real life, embodied experiences that touch them deeply in their human body.”
This wave will have to work bottom up, through real life, embodied experiences that touch them deeply in their human body. This way, they can find access to their emotions to clear the way to access their spiritual part and to reconnect with their higher self. Their process will be a lot quicker, as they will automatically adopt learnings from the first mover/early adopters experiences through the unified field that connects us all.

Sacred Union and Physical Restructuring

At the same time for those that have been on the path for a while amazing shifts are happening. Round and round upwards we go, higher and higher we rise. Wow, what transformative energy waves we are hit with now. Our DNA is upgrading fast, new gifts and abilities evolve, we are crystalizing as our body shifts from a carbon based structure into a crystalline structure. The physical structure is broken down to restructure in a new way. Amazing work that our bodies do while we are being alive and still functioning. Very carefully, part for part is rebuilt. It has to be that way to make sure that our bodies are not imploding because of a structure that becomes too instable. And with each restructuring, cellular memory of old patterns is released and that plays out like an old movie again. It is absolutely important to not overstress the body as it needs a lot of rest. There is a reason why we are feeling exhausted and tired and why we are craving lots of sugar and protein. The rebuilding process requires the production of lots of amino acids as building blocks. And that needs fast energy and protein.
“The whole brain is being restructured. We are upgrading our processors to be able to read the new energetic templates.”
At the moment, the whole brain is being restructured. We are upgrading our processors to be able to read the new energetic templates. That does not only cause headaches and blurry eyes, but also a mind being in overdrive, jumping from thought to thought very fast, throwing out old information that is not necessary anymore and starting to read new information without being able to fully process it yet. It is like a big messy thought pudding for many. There is no need to pay any specific attention to it but just to let it fly by like clouds. The mind is shifting and giving up the need to lead and the need to control. It has already or is about to surrender.

It is resurrection time. Extreme plasma and gamma waves are coming in. They are like a high voltage that our body is not able to process in a good way yet. So we are going into states of energetic paralysis, where we cannot really do anything but sit and let it pass.

Today, the equinox will further push us into the final phase of this part of the process until Easter. In an 11 year this energy is very powerful and we are completely reborn as our old memory and way of linear thinking and acting is dissolved. We are reborn as the clean, authentic true selfs we are. Anything that does not align with that is falling away. We have no choice but to surrender and let go, as holding on becomes too uncomfortable, whether jobs, relationships, our living situation etc. This causes doubts and self-conscious behaviour for many, as well as impatience.
“We are coming into sacred union within, and first 5D relationships go into full embodiment of two individuals having found their balance and power within.”
We are coming into sacred union within, and first 5D relationships go into full embodiment of two individuals having found their balance and power within (mentally, emotionally and physically). Other relationships are falling apart as they are not able to sustain in these new frequencies. From that moment, life is fully based on trust, mistrust simply cannot be experienced any longer. Feelings of longing or needing are not possible anymore. Instead, freedom and creative force is shared through commitment – amplifying each others powers instead of draining them.

Our mind is shifting into parallel operational mode. As we now access unity consciousness, we do not need experience as an ingredient for creation any longer. Intuitively, we just know what to do. We are creating out of the NOW-moment, not based on experiences of the past.

“Right now, it feels like sitting in the waiting room, knowing we’ll be called to action soon, but at the moment we can just sit and be patient to let things grow and come together.”
Right now, it feels like sitting in the waiting room, knowing we’ll be called to action soon, but at the moment we can just sit and be patient to let things grow and come together. That can cause the feeling of being bored. We are actually sitting on a speed train, and we know it takes us exactly where we need to be, and we can just sit back in our chair, relax, watch the landscape, a movie, read a book, talk to friends, sleep, eat… We don’t have to run with the train.

Body Symptoms due to DNA Upgrades

No matter where people are on their journey, all of us have to deal with physical symptoms that are very tiring and require to listen very closely to what our body and system needs in every given moment. We are letting go of rules and dogmas with regards to food, exercise, meditation routines and such, and shift into intuitive knowing what is needed. Instead of listening to others what they think is good for us, we are following our own impulses and truth more and more. We are becoming our own spaceholders.
“Instead of listening to others what they think is good for us, we are following our own impulses and truth more and more. We are becoming our own spaceholders.”
The most common body symptoms are intense migraine, blurry eyes, the feeling of being dehydrated, dry skin that is itching and breaking out, back pain, digestion issues, flu-like symptoms including fever, sore throat, ringing ears, running noses, tooth pain, short breath, heart palpitations, hot and cold flashes, amplified hair growth.

Our physical body is working on adapting to the new frequency and rhythm, everything is recalibrating, including the new heart-beat, breath rhythms and neuropathways. At the same time, it pushes out old information that is no longer necessary to come back into balance. This plays out in mental spirals and being overemotional. Patience is key and accepting all of it as a necessary part of the process. We can neither speed up the flow nor can swim against it or try to change it. All we can do is swim along and give impulses at the right time to stay focused on a direction.

So here we go. New earth is here and we are about to build a new world from scratch. We will co-create in a whole different way, where money no longer is a survival but a creation tool as our old patterns attached to money are being deleted now. All of this is necessary, as embodiment of the new higher dimensional frequencies is only possible through this alignment and with a crystalline body structure.
“We will co-create in a whole different way, money no longer is a survival but a creation tool as our old patterns attached to money are being deleted now.” 
And always remember: No matter what you do… it is a trial and error game. None of us knows how this dimension works yet. And…You can’t fuck it up as energy always finds back into balance. As long as you come from your heart with pure intentions based on unconditional love.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg