maandag 7 november 2022

Energy update - strong solar flares ~ Wendy Murphy

Energy update - strong solar flares

~ Downloads and activation of solar plexus
Just after midnight last night the sun produced a strong M5 solar flare that caused shortwave radio blackouts over the south pacific including parts of new Zealand and Australia, there is potneital for further M class solar flares to come.

This would explain a very restless nights sleep and l didn't feel tired like l usually do with strong solar activity, l felt restless and an over load of energy but at the wrong time of day lol
Today l feel a little fuzzy headed but alert feeling, strange combination, so it seems a huge download came in with this strong solar flare that feels like an activation of our solar plexus, (our sun center), great timing for the incoming total lunar eclipse on the 8th which l feel is linked into clearance and activations for our sacral and solar plexus chakras, for creation, abundance and manifestation.
l will update when l know more
Let me know how you are all feeling, what have you experienced with this incoming energy?