vrijdag 11 november 2022

A huge crescendo of celebration ~ Judith Kusel

A huge crescendo of celebration
as more portals are opening
as the heavenly hosts are gathered
to witness the full inauguration
of the New Earth.
More than this,
the celebration is expanding
For the new solar system,
the New Milky Way galaxy
and New Universe
are celebrated as well.
The Sacred Heart illumination.
The Sacred Breath.
Breathe deeply into your heart center.
Keep centered in the heart.
For the sacred heart
acts like a portal
which connects you to your own soul
The Divine
And to all portals opening now
in crescendo.
Your soul is amplified by your soul group.
The Power of these massive cosmic energies now pouring in
will effect all life and life forms.
Alone time and quietude are so necessary
as well as periods of stillness and rest.
The only way to navigate this
is going deeper within.
The seeds of Creation
are within you,
recreating you
and your new Crystalline body
and expanded Christ consciousness
as one with portal
of your own sacred heart.
Unconditional love is the key.