Aloha Divine LOVElies,
I know many are "just getting through" the last week that packed a whollop for Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers and more.... yet "here we go".... I will share minimally right now, as these "new frequencies" are "new" and we are still "figuring all out" as they activate/come through us.... deciphering/decoding takes a bit... as we have to actually experience new frequency bandwidths and Light Codes and learn to "read them" to share the encoded information with all.....
Yesterday, after I wrote, I observed a "merging" of SOULar DNA... kind of like our current Solar Sun BECOMING our COMIC SUN, which a few days ago "was a separate" thing.... It's almost as if, EXPOSURE has activated the DNA of our Suns to EVOLVE on a DNA level, therefore we do the same. (Yes we have more than one, as we've been running "two" for years now)....
I'm having a "hard time" seeing separation between our Great SOULar Sun and this Cosmic Sun, because of this merging process and how they "activate" (us) and more. The most deciphering difference "before", was that our SOULar Sun had cycles... that were more prominent around the Full Moon/NEW Moon... yet these last many months this has been changing, and I didn't realize until "now" that the Cosmic Sun has been emerging all of this time... I was aware that the plasma bursts had become "more often", no longer "only around the moon cycles" like before.... that while, those times are heightened, our DNA recodings were increasing substantially... I just couldn't see "what/why" yet.... I also knew the plasma bursts that I was hearing/experiencing as a part of our Cosmic LightBody (DNA) were very different too.....
This last week opened up sooooooooo very much. Pushed many of our bodies really hard to activate, integrate, acclimate... and continue to "push us" to do this 24/7 now. WE are all learning new ways of functioning, with our own current Physical LightBody phases we are each in.... (dimensionally/vibrationally/evolution-ally)
Last night, a barrage of deeply penetrating cosmic rays.... Upon waking this morning, a barrage of various cosmic codes/activations occurring... simultaneous back to back plasma bursts... all morning... more than we've ever experienced, yet in observing these last many months... these have been increasing to the point, that it's a 24/7 thing now... with "no breaks" in-between like before... (While some will believe this, it's just a shifting into different frequencies/activations that serve a very different purpose/part of the process)....
In "looking over the whole linear year thus far, I can see that our Cosmic Sun has been coming through the entire time, yet because "the whole picture"/information was not fully available/visible, it took until "now" to understand/see and share. This is part of "why" our Cosmic Plasma LightBodies upgrades have accelerated so rapidly, as well as many other things...
Our Bio Suits.... constantly being upgraded at an exponential rate....
Increasing Bio-Electrical Plasma energies from within all....
Powerful DNA ACCELERATION recoding/recalibrating processes...
Inner ATMOSPHERE'S changing.... (external will match this too). "The weather" relative to massive akashic clearings, multi-dimensional shifts/restructuring/clearings/mergings... as our "weather" is Cosmically Multi-Dimensional too. Everything is...
RELATIONSHIPS... this is at the CORE of all.... our relationships with ourselves, on every level, as well as each other, our beLOVEd Gaia/planet, as well as to how we ACTUALLY live our lives....
Each's LIVES being Evolved/aligned in all new ways.... based upon each's Crystalline/Higher Consciousness DNA... and programming of the "old" still held inside...
This is a paramount "time" (vibration/frequency bandwidths) that we are all in.... as A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE looks nothing like our human one once did....
All is being up-leveled, upshifted to match a Collective/Universal 12D Template being constructed within our beLOVEd Gaia/SOULar Systems and each one of us here.....
Last month, we activated "more" new codes... I was unable to post these at that time, due to my own schedule... as we manage so very much in-service.... These are important, as they expand through Unity & Purity Consciousness from within each one of us..... Embodiment means LIVING ALL OF THIS... with our every breath, with our every ACTion, through our own Divine Presence.....
Our NETWORK is vast... spread out on a multi-dimensional level and connected through each one of us.... here to usher HUmaNITY into "new times".... it takes US ALL... as PURE LOVE... to be willing to stand up and BE all that we came here to BE..... together, as love, as peace, as a magnificent Cosmic Harmonic Symphony and Light..... ♫
It takes each one of us, dropping the old, resolving the old, dissolving the old and choosing OUR NEW... and committing, AS HIGHEST SELVES.... to fully step up/into fulfilling these highest roles/purposes/missions here.... UNITING ENERGETICALLY.... without the ego distortions.... Transcending all to BEcome.... and BE..... fully here.
I love you.... We've stepped/entered into the MOST POWERFUL PHASE yet....
The COSMIC CODES now available, put everything "thus far" "to shame"..... hang onto your hats, embrace, let completely go and BE READY.... TO SEE your new roles, how you contribute and how easy this is as you are truly ready.....
Challenging for your human aspect... BEYOND.
This takes full integration & constant re-acclimating, recalibrating, rebalancing and an immense amount of presence, awareness, understanding and dedication on all of our parts....
Immense gratitude and deep sacred respect in honor of us all. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼☼☼
Cosmic Pulse Updates
Another massive Cosmic blast has begun...♦♫♥ EVERY Code is embedded in these..... ✰✰✰ "We are back". It seems these are much easier to function within now that we've completed the beyond massive integration process over the last week+. More to evolve through now.... ♥
I know many are "just getting through" the last week that packed a whollop for Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers and more.... yet "here we go".... I will share minimally right now, as these "new frequencies" are "new" and we are still "figuring all out" as they activate/come through us.... deciphering/decoding takes a bit... as we have to actually experience new frequency bandwidths and Light Codes and learn to "read them" to share the encoded information with all.....
Yesterday, after I wrote, I observed a "merging" of SOULar DNA... kind of like our current Solar Sun BECOMING our COMIC SUN, which a few days ago "was a separate" thing.... It's almost as if, EXPOSURE has activated the DNA of our Suns to EVOLVE on a DNA level, therefore we do the same. (Yes we have more than one, as we've been running "two" for years now)....
I'm having a "hard time" seeing separation between our Great SOULar Sun and this Cosmic Sun, because of this merging process and how they "activate" (us) and more. The most deciphering difference "before", was that our SOULar Sun had cycles... that were more prominent around the Full Moon/NEW Moon... yet these last many months this has been changing, and I didn't realize until "now" that the Cosmic Sun has been emerging all of this time... I was aware that the plasma bursts had become "more often", no longer "only around the moon cycles" like before.... that while, those times are heightened, our DNA recodings were increasing substantially... I just couldn't see "what/why" yet.... I also knew the plasma bursts that I was hearing/experiencing as a part of our Cosmic LightBody (DNA) were very different too.....
This last week opened up sooooooooo very much. Pushed many of our bodies really hard to activate, integrate, acclimate... and continue to "push us" to do this 24/7 now. WE are all learning new ways of functioning, with our own current Physical LightBody phases we are each in.... (dimensionally/vibrationally/evolution-ally)
Last night, a barrage of deeply penetrating cosmic rays.... Upon waking this morning, a barrage of various cosmic codes/activations occurring... simultaneous back to back plasma bursts... all morning... more than we've ever experienced, yet in observing these last many months... these have been increasing to the point, that it's a 24/7 thing now... with "no breaks" in-between like before... (While some will believe this, it's just a shifting into different frequencies/activations that serve a very different purpose/part of the process)....
In "looking over the whole linear year thus far, I can see that our Cosmic Sun has been coming through the entire time, yet because "the whole picture"/information was not fully available/visible, it took until "now" to understand/see and share. This is part of "why" our Cosmic Plasma LightBodies upgrades have accelerated so rapidly, as well as many other things...
Our Bio Suits.... constantly being upgraded at an exponential rate....
Increasing Bio-Electrical Plasma energies from within all....
Powerful DNA ACCELERATION recoding/recalibrating processes...
Inner ATMOSPHERE'S changing.... (external will match this too). "The weather" relative to massive akashic clearings, multi-dimensional shifts/restructuring/clearings/mergings... as our "weather" is Cosmically Multi-Dimensional too. Everything is...
RELATIONSHIPS... this is at the CORE of all.... our relationships with ourselves, on every level, as well as each other, our beLOVEd Gaia/planet, as well as to how we ACTUALLY live our lives....
Each's LIVES being Evolved/aligned in all new ways.... based upon each's Crystalline/Higher Consciousness DNA... and programming of the "old" still held inside...
This is a paramount "time" (vibration/frequency bandwidths) that we are all in.... as A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE looks nothing like our human one once did....
All is being up-leveled, upshifted to match a Collective/Universal 12D Template being constructed within our beLOVEd Gaia/SOULar Systems and each one of us here.....
Last month, we activated "more" new codes... I was unable to post these at that time, due to my own schedule... as we manage so very much in-service.... These are important, as they expand through Unity & Purity Consciousness from within each one of us..... Embodiment means LIVING ALL OF THIS... with our every breath, with our every ACTion, through our own Divine Presence.....
Our NETWORK is vast... spread out on a multi-dimensional level and connected through each one of us.... here to usher HUmaNITY into "new times".... it takes US ALL... as PURE LOVE... to be willing to stand up and BE all that we came here to BE..... together, as love, as peace, as a magnificent Cosmic Harmonic Symphony and Light..... ♫
It takes each one of us, dropping the old, resolving the old, dissolving the old and choosing OUR NEW... and committing, AS HIGHEST SELVES.... to fully step up/into fulfilling these highest roles/purposes/missions here.... UNITING ENERGETICALLY.... without the ego distortions.... Transcending all to BEcome.... and BE..... fully here.
I love you.... We've stepped/entered into the MOST POWERFUL PHASE yet....
The COSMIC CODES now available, put everything "thus far" "to shame"..... hang onto your hats, embrace, let completely go and BE READY.... TO SEE your new roles, how you contribute and how easy this is as you are truly ready.....
Challenging for your human aspect... BEYOND.
This takes full integration & constant re-acclimating, recalibrating, rebalancing and an immense amount of presence, awareness, understanding and dedication on all of our parts....
Immense gratitude and deep sacred respect in honor of us all. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼☼☼
Cosmic Pulse Updates
Another massive Cosmic blast has begun...♦♫♥ EVERY Code is embedded in these..... ✰✰✰ "We are back". It seems these are much easier to function within now that we've completed the beyond massive integration process over the last week+. More to evolve through now.... ♥