Energy Report Update by Tiffany Stiles
We have star particles coming in now which make the skin very itchy. You may have a rash pop up out of nowhere. This is also affecting the skull and teeth. Teeth clenching, throbbing teeth, sore teeth. You might feel pressure on the skull/crown.
Star particles cut through old programs, and assist in moving one outside of their comfort zone. They assist in healing old trauma and purging it from the system.
Creativity surges too. Star particles are giving a huge boost in Energy today. Take advantage of it while you can, as the energy signature is shifting very quickly. A sea salt bath usually helps with the itchy skin.
Much love, light and blessings,
The Kundalini Triangle~
These are the areas that are being affected now by the ongoing geomagnetic storms bringing in high amounts of photonic light quotient upgrades.
You might feel this as a gas bubble in the chest, where as if you drank something carbonated you would burp out a lot of air. Gas is building in the system as the energy moves through the body interacting with biophotons to a cellular level and subatomic particle level. As a side may have noticed wounds healing much quicker now than years prior to cellular upgrades. I've experienced mine heal within 3-4 days now vs. 7-14 days.
Some yoga stretches may help this energy move through easier. Drink something carbonated to assist in expelling the gas build-up and bloating if you're also experiencing this now. The neck, shoulders, crown and root chakras, along with the heart chakra and Vegus nerve center are getting a work out now with this energy.
It brought a boost of energy earlier, and now the photons are lulling to sleep. You might feel lethargic right now, and if so, extra rest is needed to integrate the energy. Plenty of fluids and grounding as usual help immensely.
As always, please share below what you're experiencing.
Sending much love, light and blessings,