The Planet is moving through a HUGE shift in consciousness. We have been going though this for thousands of years.
What does this mean?
What has been in the shadows (not seen) will start to be seen over and over and over again.
How do we shift into something new?
We must start with ourselves. If we can put the priority on our own inner “shadow” (trauma, thoughts, emotions, behaviors) and begin to “heal” it through compassionate acceptance, we will BE in new ways in our life.
And as the world’s shadow (greed, corruption, control, manipulation) continues to be shown to us, we will BE in new ways with it as well.
I don’t know how this all plays out, but I do know one thing, each of us must choose to BE in new ways with an open heart, compassion, the ability to listen, and to no longer respond with fear and anger but understanding and remembrance.
We are not in control of this natural process of evolution. Let it fall apart.
We are in control of how we BE during it. And regardles of anything else, every single moment of your life and humanity’s collective life is gifting us the opportiunity to see the shadow and change the way we BE in this world.
Knowledge (information)
Awareness (seeing)
Being (how you choose to be in the world)