dinsdag 29 augustus 2023

Something is coming ~ Morgan Lee

Something is coming, we worked so hard this month. I have been watching old structures of geometry collapsing, and they felt like an AI infrastructure, (built by us) of separation, power games, patriarchal, betrayal, mistrust, competition, comparisome, etc. literally falling down. Regardless of gender, both parts, holding programs, that built this and kept it in place.
A restructure, and rebuilding, a reset in everything.
Flatlined, wiping the slate clean and a feeling of emptiness, disinterest, etc. that many have been feeling building in the last months or so, are preparing, for the arrival of new frequencies.
Master Day 44 and another massive day 29th August, 2023. I don’t recall having a worse week, (well not for 8 years not since my last child left home) or month, for that matter. The intensity has been off the charts.
On Friday morning, I received an emerald green light, it shot into my body and lit up and out through my entire being, and it was pure masculine energy, not one that felt familiar, something, totally different again. And it had been making itself known for week or so, like there was a masculine presence, in my voice, a new energy or frequency there for me, trying to guide me.
Ever since then, I have been energetically split, like I was two parts consciously there, here, for me to experience, at once and from this point, the shit really hit the fan and I was in my own internal shit show.
Some days I have felt like I was swimming around in my own energetic mayhem, stumbling around blindly through my deepest shadows and other days, receiving light codes, activations, keycodes, incredibly, magical experiences. And there were also periods, where I observed, what was going on, in my own chaotic mess and would hear, just let go, trust. Oh some peace for a few hours.
I have not slept more than three hours in over a week, being woken up anytime from 2.00am to 3am each night.
Half the time in this last week, in particular, It felt like I was spending half my time in or experiencing, excessive projection, the other half in excessive responsibility, all the while attempting to align with self accountability and unconditional compassion, LOVE, finding the zero point, of neutrality. A real sense of flipping, switching, something merging, two parts, becoming One.
It felt like all dualistic wounds, were up like a rash, a virus even, and there was no thing to do, but let that play out until it was done. Let the full skit, the full movie, drama, play, actually play out.
Like the slate was being wiped clean, and everything had to go, let go, surrender, detach, die.
The levels of grief, sadness, emotion, sorrow, unhappiness, boredom, distrust, loss of interest, Betrayal, etc. as this energy was being dispersed and transmuted, personally for some, and then collectively, as we are/were preparing the grid, for an expansion , an arrival of more of the Mother Goddess, Feminine Principal frequency, embodied and anchored within each beacon of light, as we are each a light on the grid itself. Expanding our unified field of Oneness, throughout collective, containing new frequencies and codes again.
Somehow, what is coming in the next week or so, was a gift directly from the masculine, a hand up, so to speak. Which will become more apparent in the coming month. She was now going to be more ready or more prepared for the arrival of a higher frequency of the Divine Masculine or the Masculine Principal, by the end of next month.
It has felt like my two worlds were merging together as one, as I was attempting to assimilate my dark and my light, my distorted feminine, divine feminine, my distorted masculine and my divine masculine etc.
At the same time, I kept hearing the game is over, that old game is over, let all the old chess pieces go and whilst you're at it, throw away the board.
Prepare for the new way of being
Today has been starting to quiet down and align with some balance again. What a ride it has been and at the same time, we are doing this.
I was asked this afternoon, after a few hours of balance again, to sit and write down, exactly what I would like to experience in my life. What does that look like, without exact specifics, but pretty much writing up an ideal dream, a draft so to speak.
And a couple of days ago, or somewhere in between all of this chaos, that a session on activating new codes, would be fun.