maandag 28 augustus 2023


On surface of the Ocean vast,
Seem many an array of waves.
Some in strength crash to the shores,
Destroying from their own wake.
Some are gentle ripples,
Reminding how to play.
Lovingly and gently,
They give in their own way.
Some are effervescent waves,
So dance and share their joy.
Some find it hard to surface,
For deep struggle they endure.
Loud waves often tumble,
Yet this they too agreed.
Gradually they dissolve their sound.
Into dancing water beads.
On the surface is the drama,
And the ever changing events.
Creating from the shallows,
Where time is only lent.
Waves can move to shores lands,
In momentum of forward motion.
Giving their wave to Mother Earth,
May be their own devotion.
Long seemed the journey of each wave,
Each ripple and tear of water.
As waves forgot so lost their way,
So did what they thought waves oughta.
At perfect timeless divination hour,
Waves opened their water’s memory,
Ignited by the Light of God,
Dissolve into It’s Eternity.
No longer immersed in the shallows,
Or denser waves of reality.
No longer to play as wave upon wave,
In cycles of seeming catastrophe.
Remembered, they let go of form,
So dissolved into ocean deep,
Beyond the surface and shallows,
Is the sacred for all to reap.
For within the depths of the ocean,
All is but one space,
Where senses become the beauty,
Whilst being the state of Grace.
The ever present Eternal Peace,
In One ocean’s tranquility.
Where all is Loved and known as One,
So how different are you to me?
Only through waving the Ocean,
Do we journey from whence we came,
To find we never ever left,
In God’s depth, we are the Same.
Tis through God’s Love that we came.
Through God’s Love we return.
Where each one’s precious in-between,
Is but verily, The One sojourn.
With love,
Written today on 28 August 2023
Painting by: Amanda Lorence
Oil on Canvas.
Detail of ‘Wave upon Wave’