maandag 28 augustus 2023

Are you ready for the action? ~ Jennifer Hoffman

Are you ready for the action? Even with the excessive retrograde activity (all of the planets except the moon are involved) it's time for action. We have a very powerful full moon this week, the second of this month, and an active Alpha Omega portal with the nodes and Chiron. There hasn't been a better time to get those wounds, scars, burns, cuts, and hurts out in the open so they can finally be healed and cleared.

Don't listen to people (and astrologers) who tell you that you should sit back, rest, and wait this out. It's GO time in a BIG way. 

Stop waiting for the 'right time', use the time and energy we have to set an intention, activate your will, be confident, and take action. 

I'm not talking as an Aries here (we are always ready for action), I'm telling you that any energy can be used for any purpose with a strong, focused intention and the motivation to create the outcome that serves you best right now. 

The fear of being wrong or of failing stops you from self motivating and it's all about self motivation.  

Are you motivated by fear? Start being motivated by joy and achievement. 
Are you limited by confusion? Give yourself some clarity by setting a strong intention. 

Every journey happens one step at a time - stop trying to see the entire road ahead before you decide to take that first step. Decide now.

The time has never been better to throw off the shackles that bind you to the past and start looking beyond the limitations of 3D into the potential of 5D expansion, elevation, creation, and transformation.

Go for it and shine your light to highlight the path in front of you. Your light allows you to see the potholes in the road as well as the path in front of you. If you only look for the potholes you're going to miss what's on the horizon. 

Don't limit what your reality can become by starting from a point of limitation and only focusing on limitation. 

How's your day going?