dinsdag 29 augustus 2023

WE HAVE BROKEN FREE!! ~ Ramona Lappin


From the false ego self, and fear based thought forms and beliefs that the false Matrix simulation was based upon, along with our karmic cycles and load, generational and ancestral curses, hexes, black magic spells, blocks and interferences that have been fucking with our life's, loved ones and realites for aeons of linear time!

Literally no-thing can stop us now as the morphogenetic field of the forerunners who hold the Core Blueprint of the Cosmic Kryst is now impenetrable and invincible, and with it also of the planetary body, as we allow no longer for anything or anyone to keep us feeling stuck and interferences to play out in our life's. Team Godhead aka The Divine Love-Bliss Crew has taken over the DREAMFIELD from the invaders on behalf of ALL! All as we have become the Masters of our Mind and have taken back the command over the Planetary Brain, Grid system and Collective Super-Consciousness field! We have pushed all the way through into our true Freedom and Liberation from the false fear Matrix as we expell all remaining negative entities and soulless beings now, as we fully dissolve any remaining fears, doubts, worries, insecurities and illusions of separation from within us with much ease and grace, like a ninja kicking one negative thought form and belief after another to the curb. As we tame the inner dragon of our mind, having fully transce-ended our false ego self and merged with our true higher identities, as One multi-dimensional being, as part of the Cosmic Monad and Family completing our Ascension with the Royal Weddings and Collective Hierogamic Re-Union Event. The Emerald Order fully returned, as we remember who we truly are and have come fully back to our True Eternal Authentic Self, atOne with Source, and here to execute God's Divine Will! As you FULLY LET GO OF ALL ATTACHMENTS and return to the ONEness that you are, all remaining interference patterns, black magic spells, blocks, hooks and cords dissolve, as you are ATONE WITH THE ZERO POINT FIELD OF THE GODHEAD! FROM WITHIN WITHIN THE COSMIC WOMB OF THE MOTHER, which has been healed & RE-BIRTHS ALL through herself NOW! WHERE ALL REALITIES ARE BIRTHED FORTH FROM & DISSOLVE BACK INTO! Having fully re-claim our Sovereignty, Freedom and God Self, we have re-claimed all of our sacred power and womb space to create realities free of evil, as we shift and COMPLETE OUR sacred transformation and ASCENSION FROM DEEP INSIDE of us! Now we TURN our SuperPOWERs & MAGIC ALL THE WAY UP!! As we have fully SHIFTed FROM VICTIM TO HERO! Full-filling our own highest quantum probabilities, destiny, hero's journey, and have taken our realities and the DREAMFIELD back from the invaders, as this artificial Matrix simulation dissolves for good! Feel your inner Cosmic Dragon & fully ascended Diamond Avatar Self fully rising in his/ her True Power, as you reclaim & embody all of your True Eternal Authentic Self!! YOU KNOW TOUR TRUTH, SO HEED THAT & BELIEF, HAVE FAITH & TRUST IN YOU, AS YOU ARE NOW ATONE WITH DIVINE WILL!!! The truly REAL is being unlocked, accessed and ignited from deep within us, as we fully UNIFY WITH THE ONE TRUE SELF in Hierogamic Re-Union!! The Golden Fleece and God's armour and cloak have been fully anchored and stabilised for the Forerunners, and especially those that have taken part in the 'ROYAL WEDDINGS COMPLETING OUR ASCENSION' Group Calls and Activations, as we are doing this on behalf of the Tribal Shield of the Cosmic Kryst and planetary field and Blueprints. Infinite Gratitude for all those helping make the magic happen, as the Tribal Shield is being fully healed and sealed now, evicting all remaining invaders, negative and demonic entities, and artificial Matrix overlays dissolve! Part of these Activations Completing is our new RA Center complex coming fully online now, powering us all the way up! The Holy Grail Challice configurations and activations fully ignite the inner fountain of life, regeneration and youth, with the Threefold Founder Flame having fully returned and anchored into the Crystalline Diamond Grid system, correcting all bi-wave currents. Through the Stargate of your sacred Crystal Diamond Rose Hearts having fully opened now to the True Self, alive and Nature that we are, we are now anchoring massive amounts of Crystalline Diamond Rainbow Plasma light, and Mother's Blue Ray and Staff into the Crystalline Core of Earth, until our full and final ignition completes the shift from the old to the new grid - HERE NOW! THE MAIN MESSAGE IS: "YOU'VE ALREADY BROKEN THROUGH! YOU HAVE ALREADY WON! OUR FINAL VICTORY & LIBERATION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED! KNOW THIS, AS YOU KEEP HOLDING & ANCHORING THE LIGHT & HOLD YOUR SHIELD/S UP!" A big focus right now is the clearing of all untruths, all remaining false memories, overlays and fallen history records, for the Real Truth to be fully revealed and arise simultaneously! With it, our life force fully returns as we have reconnected to Eternal Source Flows again, with the Kunda-Ray/ extended Kundalini currents raising our Shakti energies up our central channel, Igniting our inner and outer Cosmic Quantum Tree of Life, multi-dimensional DNA, Diamond Sun and Rainbow Plasma Lightbody, Krystal and Ankh Body. The magical realms of Avalon and our New Eden, are alive again and beginning to become fully visible and tangible again! TUNE IN & IGNITE YOUR OWN HEAVEN ON EARTH from deep with/in! LET GO OF ALL ATTACHMENTS FULLY NOW! Let what was go, as it is no more. Allow all to change. Keep listening to your own inner KNOWing and God's guidance above all else, as you know you are fully protected and supported now, as you let Divine Love carry you all the way home. I'll share more soon. Eternal Love, Ramona