When you receive negative shadow projections from others (either psychically via thoughts or verbally) it’s important NOT to become reactive and respond with counter-attack and negative projections towards them, engage in counter gossip, or treat/speak about the person with contempt, for this is like giving permission for the attack by entering “their game”/frequency.
Since the predator/wetiko works through their own mind, it can also infect yours through accepting their projections like a trap of agreement (and engaging with them). Since you respond with your own negative projections (either psychically via your thoughts or in-person), you start fighting fire with fire, and you will have to deal with the “karmic consequences” of your thought projections as well.
“It is not every case of psychic disturbance, however, which originates externally. It is a well-known cosmic law that everything moves in circles, and whatever forces we send out, and whatever thought-forms we extrude from our auras, unless absorbed by the object to which they are directed, will return to us in due course. One of the most effective, and also one of the most widely practiced methods of occult defense is to refuse to react to an attack, neither accepting nor neutralizing the forces projected against one and thus turning them back on their sender. We must never overlook the fact that a so-called occult attack may be evil thought-forms returning home to roost.”
– Dion Fortune
If you start engaging in this dance of shadow projection, you also open yourself up to more occult attacks and attract the hostile forces who “smell the delicious meal” of your emotionally charged projections based on your own unresolved emotional content/“ammunition.” They will feed these projections more and more through their influences on you to get more of that “loosh.”
This is the basis of the Matrix Divide & Conquer agenda pitting humans against other humans. It’s a collective shadow projection/trigger loosh fest with billions of people acting and reacting unconsciously while their strings are being pulled by occult hostile forces, feeding off them .
That’s one of the reasons why we are so far away from any significant shift in consciousness (let alone a real awakening.) We keep creating more and more karmic debt with our unresolved stuff, triggers, and resulting mechanical shadow projections.…creating unconscious projections over projections and round and round we go while the hidden (occult) rulers of the matrix feed off of it all and augment the triggers/projections pitting us against each other, especially nowadays with the rising polarization.
You can see this unconscious “game” of trigger/projection in your personal life with friends and family, on Facebook/Twitter/social media, and in the world at large. Observe yourself; do you have any resentment towards anyone in your life, and does your mind justify it? Who triggers you? What person do you feel contempt/resentment for, are jealous of/angry at – be it people you know personally, your ex-partner(s), your social media “friends”, or any person you actually never met in real life? Check your judgments and projections, for they are entry points for occult forces pulling your strings.
One of the best things you can to do for yourself AND the world is engaging in Shadow Work, owning your projections/triggers, take responsibility for how you feel, and use them to inquire within and heal yourself without blame/victim mode or launching into attack/defense.
In order to reduce the possibility of you becoming a target of occult psychic attack or even black magic, you need to reduce your occult vulnerabilities. Tom Montalk made a good point about this as well: “If you’re sending hate darts at people, emitting thoughts of contempt and judgment, revenge fantasies, even sexual fantasies, these do things to your energy field and overall “balance sheet” that open up additional vulnerabilities to negative influences.” You can add envy, jealousy, or any other negative projection with an emotional charge behind this, as well.
Most often, the other person’s unconscious wounds, traumas, or ego issues/self-importance/ insecurity get triggered, and their pain is being projected onto another person, which is then augmented by occult forces. We can engage in the same pattern of shadow projection ourselves unconsciously if we don’t check our own triggers. It’s also an occult law that these projections will come back around to the person emitting them to “balance sheet” like karmic debt. That goes for any black magic/psychic attacks targeted on others, consciously (via ritual and curses) or unconsciously (via shadow projections)….
From “Black Magic, Psychic Attacks, Entity Interferences, and Shadow Projections”: