You will never get over them by attempting to get over them. What you focus on is what you will feel. This is the awe inspiring story of what it is to incarnate as a human being.
We are the master creators of the YOUniverse. We are visionaries and master builders. This why so many other races of beings come to Earth / Heart to understand our infinite capabilities. We are of the Elohim Kristos and we are eternal beings of divine adamantine photonic light. We might have been created as slaves and little did they know of our hidden divine truth of who we really are. We are gods. We were built with a soul and the soul can never be tamed nor destroyed. Even thru nearly 80k years of illusion and deception we were destined to break free of our matrix cocoon.
We as a human species are emerging from the veil of lies and control and now it is time we spread our wings and reach to the stars to reconnect to our star origins. Our star families want us back and are here assisting humanity in our uprising to be sovereign beings of light once again.
We are all coming online and now we are at 5.3 billion souls who are as one. As the adamantine light is blanketing Earth we are all feeling the beautiful effects of a deeper connection to ourselves, clearing out of any residual lower dense vibrational frequencies. So make sure to listen to yourself and your avatar. Some of us are feeling super High Vibe right now and need little to no sleep, then there are some of us needing more rest and relaxation. It all depends on the different cycles we are on. Which ever it may be we are all holding space for one another. As we all are becoming synced into one unity consciousness we are activating more and more of the others to come online by loving ourselves and being compassionate to all living sentient beings.
Keep your thoughts and your feelings in a place of love and grace and see how fast 2.4 billion more souls awaken. The higher we vibe the more of the tribe we awake. We are all one tribe. How we vibe determines how the entire tribe vibes. So keep it vibing high. We love you and we are so excited ro rejoin you soon as one star family again.
Do not be alarmed as our ships are starting to uncloak and materialize. We do this to prove to the masses that we exist and that the ones who speak of us are truthful in the words and of their intentions. This will only validate that you the galactics are always truthful and can always be trusted by all humans. We will be letting humanity see us more and more to make it a common occurrence to see our ships in your skys. We are always with you and have never left you. Keep up the great work by loving yourself and holding space for your brothers and sisters. The Time of the EVENT is nearing.
We want you to enjoy the Harmonic Photonic Diamond Adamantine Light for the next 3 days. Most of you will feel like you are walking on air and your heart space will be wide open to recieve the new codes from the galactic central sun.
We are you. You are us. We are ONE.