vrijdag 14 augustus 2020

Attention, Intention, Mastery and YOUR Ascension By L’Aura Pleiadian

Attention, Intention, Mastery and YOUR Ascension

By L’Aura Pleiadian

Are you paying attention?

Are you making intentions and paying attention to those intentions?

Are you hearing the quiet whispers of your eternal soul?

It is not the voice of the loud drama of the thinker ~ unaware.

Do you get caught up in a series of dramas every night when things are quiet and have you ASKED YOURSELF who in fact is that thinker? Who is that drama?

That goes on and on. Is it really you?

Do you stop it and recognize that is not you?

Or do you get overwhelmed with emotions?

Do you pay attention to WHO is IT that has those emotions?

What is this when you TRULY pay attention and OBSERVE? Are YOU noticing the real you?

To MASTER form one must be CONSCIOUSLY aware of who is the thinker, who is the doer, who is the one that observes.

Then CONNECT with the You that is eternal, the ONE who can pay attention and be able to tell the difference!!

Have you walked through Earth allowing this to be your way of being?

Are you on your way to Mastery?

To truly knowing what you are?

To recognizing what actions and reactions are part of the old programming and consciously then stepping out of it?

Are you conscious of your eternal Presence?

Are you living in pure being and mastery of form?

Pay attention to the ascension process of differentiating between old beliefs and ways of being and that of the Presence of the eternal you.

As you observe consciously ~ you permeate the eternal presence to be the ONE that flows through you as you in every moment consciously!

The true exists through your heart.

It is the new way and the only portal to mastery in your ASCENSION process.

We are Activating you through The eternal flow of the Divine Council of Overseers, all now.

Your heart, your ascension, your eternal Divine Presence.

In love, L’Aura
