maandag 17 augustus 2020

A Heads Up! Retrograde Re-Wiring Sunday August 16 2020.~ hareinthemoonastrology

A Heads Up! Retrograde Re-Wiring

Sunday August 16 2020

Tuesday’s Leo New Moon August 19 2020 is a veritable bonfire of the vanities. The ultra-transformative retrograde triple conjunction of Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn is exactly square Eris conjunct Mars in Aries. Eris/Mars set alight a Grand Fire Trine to the New Moon and Mercury at 26 Leo and the karmic South Node in Sagittarius right on the Galactic Centre.

Since we are in a period of Retrograde Re-Wiring with 7(!) outer/deep space planets retrograde, it looks as if the ongoing flux, chaos and disorder will be amplified by take-no-prisoners Mars in his own gung-ho sign. There will be a lot of frustration expressed by people with no voice who need to be heard – the 99%.

Adding a karmic twist, this New Moon is within 2 degrees of the Great American eclipse of August 2017 which literally divided the United States as its shadow passed silently over the land and brought huge tornadoes, flooding and wild fires in its wake in Texas and California. Climate change suddenly became very real and moved right up the agenda.

At this New Moon, many of the states in second lockdown because of Covid 19 are also below that eclipse line. It is bringing home the reality of the political, social and wealth divide as well as the shattered healthcare infrastructure.

In your own life, you might want to literalise/ground the South Node of Fate New Moon energy by removing psychic dross that keeps you stuck in the past by doing a ritual to cleanse and clear your own space and your own ecology. Smudging or writing down what you want to release then burning it to ashes in a bowl would work well to amplify the fire energy available for creativity.

Get your free Week Ahead Sign Forecasts for August 16-23 at:

New! September will be another game changing month as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all change direction. Sign up to my September 5D Report:” Taking Back Your Superpowers”:

“Thank you, dear Lorna. Your incredible Work has been my North Star through the toughest journey I’ve ever been on. I can never thank you enough for your amazing and accurate guidance”. Jann D. Rhode Island USA
