donderdag 5 januari 2023

These last few days have been so heart-opening for me ~ Judith Kusel

These last few days have been so heart-opening for me, that my soul is filled with gratitude.
Since 2008, when my new life began, I was capitulated into a totally new way of life and living, as I now saw and experienced life differently, working with energy and energy fields, the spine of the earth, opening ancient crystal pyramids, crystalline energy grids, etc. and with it all the ability to do my Soul Readings and to download cosmic information.

Yet, it has been a lonely road, as family did not understand, lost friends, no home, nothing but what I knew I was being called to do and be, and following that call and inner guidance, even if I did not always understand, where this was leading me.
I could not readily share with anyone, as few were open to it.

Since Christmas I have torn a tendom in my knee, and as this worsened, I was told to rest. Indeed, I had been overtired, and only realized just how much, when I allowed myself to rest.

The end result is, that I cannot drive my car - me who has been so independent and who was so used doing everything on my own!

Then, human angels appeared, in friends, who not only visited, but offered to take me to town, so that I could do much needed shopping, go to the doctor, etc. and checked in to see if I was ok. Next door neighbours, hairdresser sending their husband to fetch me. Even a lift for Monday's sonar, already organized.

And friends elsewhere who were with me in spirit.
It culminated yesterday, in a moment when three of us shared a combined hug, of unity, awe and oneness.

All of this a huge lesson to me, to not always give, give, give, but also to be willing and open to receive gracefully and graciously!
At this momentous time, we are all being pulled together as lightworkers, so that we can work together as one!

The support systems are now falling into place, so that we can cocreate the New Golden Age together with great love!

Here in South Africa, we are all being severely challenged by the ongoing electric power cuts. Yet I see people pulling together as never before.

I am sharing this, for as things progress this year, and challenges come, let us remember this:
We are all human angels with only one wing: We can only fly by helping each other!
And so, I continue resting, as my higher guidance keeps telling that I am being prepared for greater things.
Yet, more than this, I am doing so in and with the company of heavens, and carried on the wings of Divine Love.

I was taken into the Holies of Holies, at Luxor temple, a few times now, beholding the wonders of the New Age and the Ark of the Covenant.
The winged sun discs have returned.
We are in for dramatic and total changes.

All is but Love, as we move deeper into the heart, and find each other at soul level, and in communities of Light, cocreating the New Golden Age.

Photo credit: Diana Cooper