dinsdag 31 januari 2023

The toroidal field of the 5th dimension ~ Grace Solaris

The toroidal field of the 5th dimension and higher dimensions is already spinning in this counter-clockwise way and now scientists have newly discovered that the spinning of earth´s inner core has come to a halt and is now beginning to reverse its direction to a counter clockwise spinning, which is the long awaited poleshift, which I have posted about on numerous occasions starting back in 2018.

I feel quite certain that it is no mistake how this coincides and synchronizes with the current presence of the Comet C/2022 ZTF, first discovered in March 2022, which is currently impacting the earth´s frequency thru its high photonic light that is igniting and impacting the earth´s magnetic field and core. It will come closest to the earth on February the 1st as I already wrote about in an earlier post.

I am most excited to welcome you amongst your galactic family for this next auspicious dna activation transmission aligning you with the new earth coordinates and reversed spinning (counterclockwise) in a new updated 2-in-1 version, that will catapult you fast forward into the new earth 0-point quantum field eternal now beyond time/space continium, thus collapsing all timeline illusions. In other words you will be reconfigurated to inhabit this new vibrational realm of unity consciousness, as we will simply not be able to function in the higher dimensions of light with non-functionable toroidal fields, as our merkabahs (lightbodies) will not operate effectively,

I was blessed to facilitate two different global activations back in 2018 as of guidance from the Arcturians to prepare for this. One was the Cell-Repolarization Activation and the second was Pole-reversal of the Toroidal/Toros field surrounding our body. I received specific and clear information about this from the Arcturians and this was offered as an activation to the forerunner pioneers of light, to already prepare for what was to come, in other words, facilitating the inner poleshift in advance, so that our body can easily align and attune to this new spinning without turbulence and less ascension symptoms. And now finally this poleshift that up till now has been gradual, is actually measurable and confirmed by scientists.

I am now guided to facilitate a new upgraded activation of the these two activations into one transmission to help accelerate this process within your cells and energetical field.

First part
The Cell-Repolarization transmission is both an upgrade and activation. In the first part of the transmission a repolarization of the cells is facilitated by the Arcturians. They are telling me this is the next evolutionary stage in the transmutation of the humanoid dna on a cellular level, a change in the molecular atomic structure and charge of our cells to synthesize us with our galactic dna and star monad oversoul to becoming the crystaline multidimensional beings we are destined to be on the new earth. I have been told and showed, that we are going thru a gradual change in our cells to prepare them for a complete cell-restructuring from carbon to silicon based cells and this is the culmination of that work. This is a change in the molecular and chemical structure of the cells, that has a massive and radical impact on the way we perceive ourself and the universe we are a part of. It is also a change in the electro-magnetic charge in our cells. It will allow for an immense rise in light frequency and the vibrational spinning rate of the cells.

This activation is crowned with a reboot and upgrade of our cells to allow us to fully anchor in our galactic christ avatar blueprint on a cellular level as well as a cell-repolarlization to a counterclockwise spinning to enable and support our lightbody in holding and vibrating on pure source plasmic energy 24/7. When this cosmic unison is established within the cells, you will feel and perceive yourself as a star portal and part of the planetary body, a consciousness field, read, light being around which the planets and stars orbit as part of the universal field of consciousness beyond the human egoic illusion of self and experience a state of ecstatic unity-bliss-joy, which is our naturel state of being of transcendence and galactic supremacy. You will enter, attune and become the center of the quantum 0-point eternal field of consciousness.

Second part
Pole Reversal to 0-point Eternal Life Conversion Activation
You will receive a total pole reversal of the toroidal field, also known as toros, which centerpoint is within your heart. The toroidal field stretches out to apx. 70 inches and is an exact replica of the toroidal field of the planet and the entire multiverse. The root or energetical structure of all forms is a torus. It is the underlying structure of every atom, molecule, cell, crystal, plant, animal, human, planet, solar system, and galaxy. Each torus is nested within and integrated into another, more encompassing torus. This is the very nature of the universe.

However throughout human evolution humanity has been subject to manipulation (amputation) of the divine blueprint from reptilian races with their own agenda, that have been messing up with the humanoid dna and twisted it and turned things upside down. This has also caused a distortion of our dna strings, which had had the consequence, that humanity has been held in separation from their creator and godself throughout thousands of years, as humans did not have fully access to their galactic avatar blueprint and thus were kept in bondage, in I-solation from their christed godself under patriachal dominion.

However now is time where we have reached a high enough consciousness level and light frequency collectively and individually to upgrade and reclaim our galactic ancestry and the Arcturians as well as other galactic beings of light from the ascended and angelic realms are working diligently to assist us in this thru these monthly global transmissions with dna upgrades, downloads and activations.

In this part of the transmission you will receive a download and complete pole reversal of your toroidal field to a counterclockwise spinning, that will restore the sacred geometry blueprinting of your cellular structure and the toroidal field of your heart, which was originally poled to oneness, the flower of eternal life, from the beginning of life on this planet, where we were still creator gods and master builders of form.

The impact that this pole reversal will have is EPIC and REVOLUTIONARY. It will reverse the age process, because thru the change of the electro magnetic charge of your toroidal field the charge of the cells will change and cause them to spin in accordance with the 0-point eternal life convergence field in a counter-clockwise spin. It will effect our entire cellular functions of the body as well as allowing for full sensory perception and oneness with all-that-is.

The toroidal field of the 5th dimension and higher dimensions is already spinning in this counter-clockwise way, so you may say we are being configurated to inhabit this new vibrational realm of unity consciousness, as we will simply not be able to function in the higher dimensions of light with non-functionable toroidal fields, as our merkabahs (lightbodies) will not operate effectively. Needless to say this reversal from duality linear into the harmonic convergence of unison of all-that-is will impact immensely on your whole perception of yourself as well as of reality itself.

Amma Grace