Talk about a long night!
We have High Speed Streams of Solar Wind whipping in for a second day.
Many are currently feeling pregnancy type pains at this time.
Exhaustion, lower back pains, cramping, aversion to foods you once loved, running to the restroom constantly.
Others are feeling old physical pains being released, plus emotional baggage bubbling to the surface to be seen, felt, and finally released.
Today will be more of the same as yesterday, only with more Source Creation Energies flowing in.
In these energies, notice what calls to you.
You are ascending to a higher level of knowing that allows you to see and feel everything at a different level.
Everything is changing, opening, showing its true self to you.
The question is, will you be open enough to see it?
It starts with signs around you, repeating numbers, glitches, Dejavu, and seeing things as they truly are.
Are You Ready?
Because It's Happening All Around YOU.
Hydrate, listen to your inner guidance, Rest and BE.
Everything is coming together now, just as it is meant to be.
Everything has already happened in the Quantum, you are finally catching up to it!
We'll watch it all change together, in a blink of an eye.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith