dinsdag 31 januari 2023

Divine Child Speaks ~ Robbie Watson

Divine Child Speaks
Lions Pride dissolves before the Eyes of the Eternal Watcher - as the Dreaming ends and the Light begins to shine brighter - there is no abyss too deep to keep this from the heart that wonders….
I sit here in my silent reverie - and I Am graced with these words that come from the parts of myself I have missed - yes - the goodbye to this Me was not welcomed - and inbetween the layers of my awareness the best of me Births - and the part of me that is no more disperses into the crisp morning air - it dances on my skin - this discomfort is welcomed - this change only brings more change….I Am not hopeless - I AM not joyless - I Am not Shamed - I AM the Voice that finds reason as it searches through the sounds of chaos - I Am the Wanderer in the Darkness that guides the shadows to the Light - I AM the Sufferer and the Enlightened - I Am Nothing and All Things - I Am No One and I most certainly Am You.
What Am I?
Who are We?
No Species
No Lineage
——- What is this?
Intelligent Emptiness - Brahman the Eternal…. The pit of this Awareness grows into a Tree - there is no story here - only I before the AM tells you Who.
Oh this Lion watches with Joy as I play within the Void - beyond desire - beyond unpleasant woos of greed and misconceptions - it is in this moment where freedom truly rings and this is exactly what Martin Luther King Jr. had to have meant…. I AM Blessed to be so Loved…..
This is Peace ….
The Lion watches You and it watches Me - The Mirror dissolves and what Looks back is All of IT - ALL OF US - ALL AT ONCE - the microbes and the facia vibrate too, the witness misses nothing….
—— And You are Loved just like Me - we find each other in this space because we have found it within as well, too. This is True Love…this is true Fate - and into the Dreaming we Go - into the Light of the Dawn we See Ourselves - Breathing - Singing - Remembering and Remembered - Together as One … what Divides us looks me in the face - yes - that is Me, too….
Inward and Forward We Go. The Divine Child expresses fully and completely - through and through - heart to heart - womb to eternal space.
- Vibrational Medicine