Those who are no longer Aligned with your energy , those who are not their for your highest good.
Those who have completed their karmic Contract with you.
Those who are not aligned with the frequency of love Will begin to show themselves to you,
Begin to distance themselves from you or be redirected out of your life by the Universe.
Pay attention also to your own energy , so you don’t end up been removed from people and situations connected to High Vibrations of love.
5D Truth.
As your Frequency Upgrades and your Intuition becomes Stronger,
You will notice how much other people Energy actually affects you.
The more Sensitive Attuned you become, the more Sensitive you are to
You are in the Process of Becoming the Best Version of yourself..
Free yourself from the Lower Vibrational Emotions, they do not serve your highest good.. You can not Spiritually Evolve when you are living with Fear, Greed, Hate or Envy they are like Shackles
on your Soul -
Open to the light within you.
It knows everything.
It Heals.
Your vibration is your Personal Energy frequency.
It is a culmination of every life you have ever lived,
every thought you have ever had and every action you
have ever performed.
It is the Energy that surrounds and permeates every cell in your body.
Your vibration is your Divine signature, your Soul Essence, and it is special only to you.
Just as there are no two snowflakes alike, no two souls in the entire universe have the same name or "soul signature".
Embrace Your Magic
Follow Your Passions
Use Your Gifts
Know Your Worth
Love Like Crazy
Remain Grateful Always !
Stay Centered.
Self Love....
The time is Now! Be Magical!
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..