maandag 2 mei 2022

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

Dear Ones,

It doesn't matter what the Truth is anymore, it is never as it seems. There are so many out their claiming that what they share is the Truth when the totally opposite occurs or is revealed to us.

At this point all that matters is the Truth we know within ourselves the outside World will continue to play out and right now even if you look something up it is totally confusing because of so much different information of it.

What is the point in keeping yourselves confused with such uninformative information it will continue because no one really knows the truth, they are simply speculation. Even some of the truths I thought were true from info I found outside of myself most of the time isn't what I thought it was.
Right now, the Universe/God/Source whatever one wishes to label this Divine Force, is nudging us to trust ourselves, to be informed with our own Divine Intuitive Knowing. After all everything is truly energy and as the creators we truly are, we have the power to change it in an instant.

Look at how fast things are crumbling, I will not be surprised if by the end of the year a lot has changed on the surface World of this Planet. There are so many waking up to it all now, some are a bit confused but it is ok to be confused and sometimes we don't always need an answer to ease our over active minds.

We all must take moments to ourselves, sit back and just allow it all to flow through us, one will know the truth the more they trust in their own intuitive selves. Heart space knows, if it doesn't feel good it isn't, if it does then deep within your Soul you just know but not by listening to all the confusing chatter of those that think they know the truth. Sure there is some evidence out there but truly why exhaust yourselves with it, just be in your own scared space Loves.

All that matters in these Divine Moments is to continue working on ourselves, bring out of us what is best for all life on this planet. Not all will transition with us, some will truly choose to leave by their own free will choice before birthing here during these vibrant times of Light.

Just know in your Own Heart, that Deep feeling of Love in your Soul that is you, that is the true you, keep searching for that part of you then all will seem to fall into place and make more since.

Have a Magical Monday Loves, may we all be at Peace and Feel the Love that has always been deeply rooted within us.