zondag 29 mei 2022

Our Sacred Diamond Rose Hearts hold the Key! ~ Ramona Lappin

Our Sacred Diamond Rose Hearts hold the Key!

We are releasing all of our pain, hurt, sorrow, grief, anger, fear, pain, all of our wounds and traumas that were held deep within our cells, DNA and Heart's, as the fallen Realities and Timelines and their memories are all being fully cleared collectively now. All is and has to arise to be healed and the lessons truly understood. Our Diamond Hearts hold the Wisdom that unlocks ALL!

Allowing for the deep releases and healings, is what opens up our Sacred Krystal Hearts, Cosmic Seed Atom and Azura Points, which is what is essential for our Ascension, it is our build in Stargate to the higher dimensional Realities and what allows for Monadic merging and Integration, for our higher identities to unify as One.

An open HEALED HEART IS THE KEY to our re-membering, where we have kept our sacred secrets throughout the aeons, safely kept and hidden and which only True Divine Love may open again, unlocking the Wisdom held there, from deep within.

As Rumi said: 'You have to keep breaking your Heart until it opens.'

Because as our Heart becomes clearer and clearer, and the traumatic memories of our experiences across time and space come up for their final release and alchemisation, our reflections and projections within the mirrors we see all around us, become clearer and clearer. As our Diamond Heart and Mind unify as ONE and become the perfectly, pure Prism that reflects the higher dimensional, Consciousness Realities again.

As we re-member again and awaken from the slumber of forgetfulness, our Krystal
Hearts now ready to fully heal and open again, they ignite the Crystalline Diamond structures throughout the Grids and within, returning our ancient future history and all of our sacred Secrets and Wisdom held deep within.

Birthing ALL NEW REALITIES based in Divine Love, Unity, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Balance, Prosperity and Freedom.

All becomes a Divine reflection and projection of The One again.

Eternal Love & Blessings,
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