(8.8.8), a huge portal/gateway opened up and released new "Star Codes
& Coordinates" to each of our individual StarGates/Systems/Fields
for integration into our Consciousness/physical body form (and Gaia's
These give us the ability to travel further than ever before, to access so very much more and to integrate like never before. We increase clearing old timelines/cellular programs/distortions of the old, the limits, the mindsets the "hold" that anything once had and open up to understanding/seeing beyond even more veils of amnesia as these expedite to dissolve.
These Star Codes and Coordinates link us (back up) to Star Systems of "afar". They re-Unite all of us as multi-dimensionals who REMEMBER and intentionally anchor/hold Heaven on Earth in the physical here. They give us the ability to transverse energetically, as conscious photonic light energy, infinite vortexes, dimensions and timelines, clearing all that was still in our cellular bodies that kept us from this here.
Our Plasma Crystalline LightBodies & StarGate Systems all link up intricately through the activation and full integration of the PURIFICATION frequencies of Diamond & Rainbow Crystalline Light, through racing/raging photons creating a nuclear fusion/fission process that gives our bodies to go Quantum, leaving linear everything behind. Our cells come alive inside of us, beyond intelligent and continually re-code our DNA/Genetics, which in-turn/simultaneously change the geometric structure of our cells which then transmit new codes/coordinates that re-form physical reality "out there".
We have entered a vibration (time) of RE-FORM.... where realities take new form like never before. Where WE are the ones that re-form realities, through the IMPLEMENTATION of HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS abilities, not accessible before.
RE-FORMING REALITIES is an ability we all have, through full consciousness here. Re-Shaping them through Unity, Peace, Love and higher wisdom knowledge/access to advanced timelines holographically, to see what's already occurred, that represents what we are all here to BE/DO and to anchor into the physical on a daily basis now.
The materialization of HIGHER TIMELINES occurs as each is READY, whether their human is/is not. Ready means it's your time (vibrationally) for you to shift into a much higher timeline/physical plane of existence, beyond any duality, ego-separation, judgment, fear, old programmed illusory beliefs and to transcend your own Matrix through REMEMBERING fully again.
The materialization of higher timelines occurs as your Quantum Cells & StarGate systems "dial new coordinates" for you, whether your human mind has caught up to what's going on/how this works or not. Physical matter re-structuring at an exponential rate to shift, move, change, transform "right before your eyes". The blinders you hold (veils) keep you from seeing what is actually occurring in every nano-second here, as your higher-heart-mind must be wide open and truly open to seeing/understanding in a whole new way. With your entire BEING, your whole body, not just your head... your human intellect will actually create a frequency disruption that distorts the vibration so that this is not visible for you yet.
Particle Matter reshapes faster the higher in frequency bandwidths we all go. These new codes enhance this process for each one of us/you. Quantum Mechanics & Physics replace linear everything, to become your new Language as a Soul. Theories no longer theories, as they are how we live our lives on these higher dimensional planes of existence .....
Do you realize that everything that you see, is a transmission from within your own physical body? Do you realize that anything that you watch/read/observe in a "Virtual Reality" (across the internet/television/radio) is a transmission only and it's not even real? Do you realize that "those realities" are transmitted frequencies that YOU ARE TUNED INTO, that create your reality for you, based upon what you are "looking for/believe"? Do you realize that if it's not happening within your physical space, that it just exists in a holographic field? Do you realize that your eyes & ears take that transmission and structure it into your own reality that you hold inside? Do you realize that if you shift your vibration/transmission to a much higher one INTENTIONALLY in every moment and CHOOSE what you want to believe, choose what you introduce/allow into your own FIELD of Consciousness, that the reality you experience will be much different than it was before?
Vibrational transmissions/airwaves.... your body exists in these. The vibrational physical match is a response to you.
These NEW CODES give you the ability to vibrate at a much higher frequency than before, as you release the old vibrations that are no longer in alignment vibrationally. Those lower vibrations can be felts in your body as emotions or heard in your thoughts. Your recognition/acknowledgement can change them from actual transmissions to energy that clears easily... it is that easy.
You are a Quantum Light BEing, with capabilities to transcend the physical through your own expanded consciousness. Just by focusing all of your ENERGY - THROUGH your consciousness, just by focusing on a much higher timeline, you can collapse the old ones, just by letting them go.... so that the new ones can "arrive" (materialize) faster....
These new codes now substantially increase the vibration of your cells and all physical matter on Earth. This vibrating physical matter is a much higher spin rate than anything any of us have experienced before. No longer linear, there are no more boxes or "lines" (strings/cords) attaching/holding the old realities in place. Quantum Existence means that everything is always in a flux and it "settles" into a form, until new vibrations activate to create/shape all into new form again. The only things "solid" are those realities BUILT/Constructed in accordance with HIGHEST LIGHT UNITY-LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS, which now reshape in a flow that "doesn't collapse" like before. Because you have become accustomed and in-tune with collapse/unify/convergence processes and jumping/traveling through StarGates & passageways, then realities materialize differently for you....
Because you are fully aware that PHYSICAL REALITIES are a RESPONSE, that they materialize FOR YOU and all that you do/are, you have become fully conscious of every transmission and you have chosen to fully align your entire realities yourself. By you holding/taking this RESPONSIBILITY to KEEP ALL in full-SOUL-alignment all of the time.... your realities are solid, because you completely re-constructed realities from scratch (zero point), and the constructs of your realities are ALWAYS ALIGNED with NEW EARTH VALUE SYSTEM, which also correlates to your physical abundance here.
When you HOLD THE HIGHEST VIBRATIONS of Courage, Love, Unity, Kindness, Deep Sacred Respect, Inner-Connection with ALL as One, your experiences are very different than when you function from a place of separation, duality, judgment, lack within yourself, resistance, protection mechanisms and fear. These vibrational energies change your cellular structure, therefore your transmission, therefore the correlating/responding physical matter reality and the hologram you activate to materialize/become solid too. Your thoughts, your stories, your insistence, your beliefs, your mentalities create your physical reality for you. What you support with your energy/words/things, what you allow, contribute too, focus on... all of this does....
This HARMONIC RE-ALIGNMENT is a powerful UP-Shift for all. This passageway/Gateway is one that all now have access to new codes to shift into a much higher timeline intentionally, first through holding expanded consciousness, then with the physical. As your highest consciousness/aspects of you, you will not be able to support/allow the old matrix anything anymore.... because it only existed for your unconscious realities that you lived beneath the veils in a sleeping state of amnesia that now lifts at exponential rate, creating increased confusion for the human aspect, and greater clarity for the higher-self-Universal aspect fully ready for HEAVEN ON EARTH now.
Be sure to get plenty of rest (and sleep where your body shows you this), nature and "you time", in order to continually and fully integrate these new encodements into your physical body structure and hold them from within, expanding them out intentionally, through your own Field to radiate out across all dimensions/spaces/times.... What you DO in the physical concretes your realities for you (makes them solid/real) for you. Choose the absolute highest timeline constantly and you'll be amazed at how fast more awesomeness comes forth for you! ♥
I love you. Keep shining, sharing, supporting and holding the new in place in every way! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown
These give us the ability to travel further than ever before, to access so very much more and to integrate like never before. We increase clearing old timelines/cellular programs/distortions of the old, the limits, the mindsets the "hold" that anything once had and open up to understanding/seeing beyond even more veils of amnesia as these expedite to dissolve.
These Star Codes and Coordinates link us (back up) to Star Systems of "afar". They re-Unite all of us as multi-dimensionals who REMEMBER and intentionally anchor/hold Heaven on Earth in the physical here. They give us the ability to transverse energetically, as conscious photonic light energy, infinite vortexes, dimensions and timelines, clearing all that was still in our cellular bodies that kept us from this here.
Our Plasma Crystalline LightBodies & StarGate Systems all link up intricately through the activation and full integration of the PURIFICATION frequencies of Diamond & Rainbow Crystalline Light, through racing/raging photons creating a nuclear fusion/fission process that gives our bodies to go Quantum, leaving linear everything behind. Our cells come alive inside of us, beyond intelligent and continually re-code our DNA/Genetics, which in-turn/simultaneously change the geometric structure of our cells which then transmit new codes/coordinates that re-form physical reality "out there".
We have entered a vibration (time) of RE-FORM.... where realities take new form like never before. Where WE are the ones that re-form realities, through the IMPLEMENTATION of HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS abilities, not accessible before.
RE-FORMING REALITIES is an ability we all have, through full consciousness here. Re-Shaping them through Unity, Peace, Love and higher wisdom knowledge/access to advanced timelines holographically, to see what's already occurred, that represents what we are all here to BE/DO and to anchor into the physical on a daily basis now.
The materialization of HIGHER TIMELINES occurs as each is READY, whether their human is/is not. Ready means it's your time (vibrationally) for you to shift into a much higher timeline/physical plane of existence, beyond any duality, ego-separation, judgment, fear, old programmed illusory beliefs and to transcend your own Matrix through REMEMBERING fully again.
The materialization of higher timelines occurs as your Quantum Cells & StarGate systems "dial new coordinates" for you, whether your human mind has caught up to what's going on/how this works or not. Physical matter re-structuring at an exponential rate to shift, move, change, transform "right before your eyes". The blinders you hold (veils) keep you from seeing what is actually occurring in every nano-second here, as your higher-heart-mind must be wide open and truly open to seeing/understanding in a whole new way. With your entire BEING, your whole body, not just your head... your human intellect will actually create a frequency disruption that distorts the vibration so that this is not visible for you yet.
Particle Matter reshapes faster the higher in frequency bandwidths we all go. These new codes enhance this process for each one of us/you. Quantum Mechanics & Physics replace linear everything, to become your new Language as a Soul. Theories no longer theories, as they are how we live our lives on these higher dimensional planes of existence .....
Do you realize that everything that you see, is a transmission from within your own physical body? Do you realize that anything that you watch/read/observe in a "Virtual Reality" (across the internet/television/radio) is a transmission only and it's not even real? Do you realize that "those realities" are transmitted frequencies that YOU ARE TUNED INTO, that create your reality for you, based upon what you are "looking for/believe"? Do you realize that if it's not happening within your physical space, that it just exists in a holographic field? Do you realize that your eyes & ears take that transmission and structure it into your own reality that you hold inside? Do you realize that if you shift your vibration/transmission to a much higher one INTENTIONALLY in every moment and CHOOSE what you want to believe, choose what you introduce/allow into your own FIELD of Consciousness, that the reality you experience will be much different than it was before?
Vibrational transmissions/airwaves.... your body exists in these. The vibrational physical match is a response to you.
These NEW CODES give you the ability to vibrate at a much higher frequency than before, as you release the old vibrations that are no longer in alignment vibrationally. Those lower vibrations can be felts in your body as emotions or heard in your thoughts. Your recognition/acknowledgement can change them from actual transmissions to energy that clears easily... it is that easy.
You are a Quantum Light BEing, with capabilities to transcend the physical through your own expanded consciousness. Just by focusing all of your ENERGY - THROUGH your consciousness, just by focusing on a much higher timeline, you can collapse the old ones, just by letting them go.... so that the new ones can "arrive" (materialize) faster....
These new codes now substantially increase the vibration of your cells and all physical matter on Earth. This vibrating physical matter is a much higher spin rate than anything any of us have experienced before. No longer linear, there are no more boxes or "lines" (strings/cords) attaching/holding the old realities in place. Quantum Existence means that everything is always in a flux and it "settles" into a form, until new vibrations activate to create/shape all into new form again. The only things "solid" are those realities BUILT/Constructed in accordance with HIGHEST LIGHT UNITY-LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS, which now reshape in a flow that "doesn't collapse" like before. Because you have become accustomed and in-tune with collapse/unify/convergence processes and jumping/traveling through StarGates & passageways, then realities materialize differently for you....
Because you are fully aware that PHYSICAL REALITIES are a RESPONSE, that they materialize FOR YOU and all that you do/are, you have become fully conscious of every transmission and you have chosen to fully align your entire realities yourself. By you holding/taking this RESPONSIBILITY to KEEP ALL in full-SOUL-alignment all of the time.... your realities are solid, because you completely re-constructed realities from scratch (zero point), and the constructs of your realities are ALWAYS ALIGNED with NEW EARTH VALUE SYSTEM, which also correlates to your physical abundance here.
When you HOLD THE HIGHEST VIBRATIONS of Courage, Love, Unity, Kindness, Deep Sacred Respect, Inner-Connection with ALL as One, your experiences are very different than when you function from a place of separation, duality, judgment, lack within yourself, resistance, protection mechanisms and fear. These vibrational energies change your cellular structure, therefore your transmission, therefore the correlating/responding physical matter reality and the hologram you activate to materialize/become solid too. Your thoughts, your stories, your insistence, your beliefs, your mentalities create your physical reality for you. What you support with your energy/words/things, what you allow, contribute too, focus on... all of this does....
This HARMONIC RE-ALIGNMENT is a powerful UP-Shift for all. This passageway/Gateway is one that all now have access to new codes to shift into a much higher timeline intentionally, first through holding expanded consciousness, then with the physical. As your highest consciousness/aspects of you, you will not be able to support/allow the old matrix anything anymore.... because it only existed for your unconscious realities that you lived beneath the veils in a sleeping state of amnesia that now lifts at exponential rate, creating increased confusion for the human aspect, and greater clarity for the higher-self-Universal aspect fully ready for HEAVEN ON EARTH now.
Be sure to get plenty of rest (and sleep where your body shows you this), nature and "you time", in order to continually and fully integrate these new encodements into your physical body structure and hold them from within, expanding them out intentionally, through your own Field to radiate out across all dimensions/spaces/times.... What you DO in the physical concretes your realities for you (makes them solid/real) for you. Choose the absolute highest timeline constantly and you'll be amazed at how fast more awesomeness comes forth for you! ♥
I love you. Keep shining, sharing, supporting and holding the new in place in every way! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown