message today (amongst a gazillion others) "There are incoming energies
that none of us could fore-see... basically referring to the whole
month of August and this huge passageway we are in. When? when we
experience them. How? In every way possible... for this is about energy
and physical matter realities are subject to these. Energy first...
always. The physical is a response, a materialization of vibrational
matter that has taken form. The old rules of how physical realities are
very different now/here. Unconsciousness represents heavier density,
vibrating at a much different frequency than conscious matter does. Old
Earth was unconscious, very dense, very fixed... Old Earth is so very
not. Physical matter realities in each dimension are very different.
NEW Earth, all physical matter is alive, breathing, communicating, one... vibrant, brilliant and beyond magical and amazing to experience, with every breath. Here, full consciousness dictates matter... instead of the other way around.
Old Earth, physical matter was just that. Stuff, a tangible thing to be held in your hand, touched, owned and coveted by many. It became important, over other things. It became a thing to hoard. It became a thing to control, possess and identities to everything were formed. Other than dysfunctional or distorted, relationships to things were not pure.... this is changing, dramatically.... as everyone is "moved out of" Old Earth and onto NEW Earth now. Those Souls that chose not to ascend in the physical, will exit their bodies at an exponential rate now. There are many mis-perceptions of how Soul's work/are by the waking human aspect still. This changes as all embody/hold the Light of their own Soul inside....
This body you inhabit, this is the Body that your Soul chose here. Your Soul's Body... the form that houses your magic, magnificence and infinite everything, as a multi-dimensional here. This body you chose will go through many changes, transformations and adjustments along the way. It's re-coding itself, your DNA, to match your highest aspects of who you truly are.... Galactics, Angels, Elementals, the whole Universe, Mer-maids/men/people, Temple priests/priestesses, Gods/Goddesses, Christed/Crystals/Crystalline, Stars/Suns/Moons/Planets/Galaxies, and so very much more. Every aspect you activate, your DNA activates too. It starts a genetic/template re-write, clearing distortions of each aspect through a purification process that your entire body goes through continually. Every new phase/activation, will trigger new codes within your physical form to begin this intricate process for you to EVOLVE as a Galactic Star BEing, Light BEing, your Ascended Aspects here. Each aspect has different DNA codes, so yes, this process is immense. Every part/particle of your body is "affected" (involved) by/with this.
Your bones, flesh, skin, organs, glands, body parts, brain, heart, spine, teeth/jaws, fingers, toes, feet, blood.... every itty bitty molecule and atom of you re-vamped/re-structured to become the Advanced NEW Earth HUmans that anchor the highest dimensions in the physical here. Your ability to HOLD the highest everything (timelines, realities, essences, understandings) within you, to walk as your highest aspects of you, to transmit this immense light as Love in everything you are & do. Your abilities as Cosmic Portals, to open these at-will, to hold them open and walk through them and to share this with those around you too, will become easier as you embrace these "weird & bizarre" aspects of yourself and let go of the judgment and pre-conceived notions of how anything is here.
You walk in the Higher Realms in the physical, yet not above anyone else. You hold this immensity by WHO YOU BECOME/ARE and you walk amongst each other, in a multitude of dimensions simultaneously.... vibrationally "in, out, in-between, across" all dimensions at once. Your own presence, awareness and ability to do this yourself is just one of your many gifts/abilities returned as you maintain full consciousness all of the time again.
Here, all are equal, have the same opportunities, abilities and capabilities too. The only difference is those who actually embrace this and do it and those who are not ready to believe/step into their own POWERS by holding fear, judgment and lack energy inside still and allowing their limited-fixed-mentality-closed hearted human to maintain control/command.
What is coming is beyond.... anything any of us have experienced in this physical incarnation here. It will blow our human minds, which is how this works.... for this is a vibrational existence where our Soul rules through a deep inner connection with all things as ONE/LOVE again. This is a PURE EXISTENCE where every action/thought and transmission is pure. This is where we all see our own human'ness and dissolve it back into love again, fully from within and we don't let our ego have any power anymore.
Here, we do not play the games of duality and "against". Here we UNIFY, we come together, work & play together, support each other and we SHARE. Here we support, inspire and we lift each other higher, we hold the bar higher, we aspire for more so that all of us can in-JOY this amazing and brilliant experience here.
Holding onto the old is fear and those realities cannot sustain anymore. Anything built on unconsciousness will collapse/be re-structured according to NEW EARTH FREQUENCIES and ENERGIES.... (code & sequences that restructure realities completely now). Where you maintain a disconnected state of separation (fear, judgment, less, lack, non-belief, criticism, needing proof, discounting what's not visible and continue the chaos of distractions/duality, comparison, competition, "mine"), then these realities are being restructured & realigned for you in a different way than when you embrace and open up fully to participate with all that you are/have here.
These higher frequencies "target" physical matter, target the body, target DNA, target emotions and thoughts... for target = goes straight to the CORE programming/programs....
If your CORE is PURE, then this is what you will experience.... the most amazing and magical everything available, with the occasional "not so awesome" to deal with/move through/resolve. The "faster" you see all, the "faster" you can move through realities, dissolving the ones that no longer serve without even needing to experience "if you truly fully get it" ... and just JUMP/step over into a whole new timeline, the moment you dissolve the ENERGY that CREATED that to start with.....
Your abilities to observe/see the ENERGY of all, give you the ability to see how each reality was constructed, so that you can choose to shift it your self. The moment you shift/change the vibration to a higher one, the moment you shift the entire reality... it is that easy, if you are ready to HOLD THIS IMMENSE POWER without any ego-separation within yourself....
Your Soul's Body/Plasma Crystalline LightBody: Y/our Physical Body will need y/our full attention and support to "do" this huge transition phase we all now enter into with this massive Gateway and Harmonic Re-Alignment of August. Plenty of rest (heavy sleep where veils of amnesia are lifting and photonic light activates inside, creating the heavy foggy/groggy/dense/drugged feeling for awhile, sometime off & on for years for some). The body's nervous system is being re-wired/re-configured, as is a whole new neural networking system in your flesh, the Quantum Field expanding from your muscles and density unanchoring from your teeth/bones, organs and more. As plasma energy activates inside of your body, as photons zoom zoom zoom/charge/move about, as your body transitions from linear existence (where everything was fixed and attached to certain outcomes) to non-linear (where all is vibrational and equates to Quantum Mechanics/Physics), everything changes, ESPECIALLY HOW YOUR BODY FUNCTIONS.... You will want to/need to fill your SPACE with all that supports, realizing your current reality is supporting your current phase, yet for your next higher/highest timeline to come forth, then your physical will need to change for this to occur. Observe your fear/hesitation, the scenarios that your mind tries to create, just watch them.... and from your highest consciousness state realize that what you BELIEVE is true and if you KNOW better (which you do), if you embrace the highest timeline and dissolve the lower one from within you, if you go ahead and access a new/alternate reality that is awesome, the one that's not so awesome can dissolve, if you allow it to....
Where you keep playing in unconscious realities, then you keep creating these to experience here. You must be the one that chooses differently and is ready for your new/highest existence here. Ease comes as you stop fighting/resisting what you know and keep trying to fit all into the same old boxes/limits/conditions of before. Ease comes when you stop suppressing/hiding/holding back the magnificence that you are, the beauty and divinity of your Soul, the magic that you ALREADY ARE, without trying to keep being something that goes against you on a soul level, that creates separation and more misery for you to have to turn around and clear from your body....
As you realize that it's up to you to STOP forcing yourself to try to fit in, to stop minimizing your beauty, to stop fearing opening up and connecting, showing who you are, being who you are, perfectly just as you are... you will. As you STOP trying to be something that you "thought" you were supposed to be and just allow yourself to be YOU.... your happiness, your joy, your freedom, your peace, your "home" feeling will return and you will unify inside with love again... the LOVE of yourself fully..... finally.... and you'll stop compromising this for anything ever again.
When we all first start to wake up, on a soul level, we don't know who we are. We unravel who we are not any longer, all that we created/attached to, needed to identify ourselves by and we realize none of that was true. It takes a bit for us all to go through the processes of transcendence, so be patient, as this is a never-ending process that evolves as we do. Just BE YOU. Your purest you, your truest you, your most authentic happy free you... open your heart to FEEL fully and to TRUST again.... trusting you that you won't betray you anymore, that you will honor you, that you will stand in your own integrity to yourself and be your most awesome you. This creates an electromagnetic field that radiates out to touch all through your own Unified Field/Presence. This field is how you keep expanding, touching, affecting, making a difference, just by BEing... and then all that you DO come from this place/this space... a beautiful divine essence emanating from the CORE of your BEing .... out. Naturally. Organically. You don't have to "try" to be anything at all. Just BE.
Physical Body ascension is a Gift. Your return to Full Consciousness is too. Anchoring Heaven on Earth, the magic, the amazingness, immense abundance and POWER... there is nothing to fear, for you cannot mess this up. You cannot gain access UNTIL each part of you is PURE. You cannot repeat the old, unless you allow yourself to go unconscious and then you will experience something to wake you up again. Make your conscious state your priority and the rest will fall into alignment for you. Ease comes as you are truly ready to do whatever it takes to stay conscious. Eventually you won't have to "try" to stay conscious, as it will be your natural state. Unconscious/human/ego... this becomes the weird/bizarre/distorted... as all flips (it used to be the weird, "far out there" higher realms, lol).
Pay attention, open up, listen, feel... WANT TO KNOW/UNDERSTAND.... don't try so hard (ego), notice your own body/muscles/tightening down/resisting/struggling and breathe/relax all fully again. Focus on your heart being open all of the time and noticing when you perceive anything as a threat. Ask yourself the questions that bring yourself the answers that FREE YOU and RETURN you to full power from within again. Allow yourself this amazing experience that you came here for.... Only you can.
I love you and will do a video as soon as I can with more. Expect the unexpected, embrace the unknown, open those portals, walk through those doors/into those gateways and hold the absolute highest vibration of love for yourself... the rest comes naturally as you do. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown
NEW Earth, all physical matter is alive, breathing, communicating, one... vibrant, brilliant and beyond magical and amazing to experience, with every breath. Here, full consciousness dictates matter... instead of the other way around.
Old Earth, physical matter was just that. Stuff, a tangible thing to be held in your hand, touched, owned and coveted by many. It became important, over other things. It became a thing to hoard. It became a thing to control, possess and identities to everything were formed. Other than dysfunctional or distorted, relationships to things were not pure.... this is changing, dramatically.... as everyone is "moved out of" Old Earth and onto NEW Earth now. Those Souls that chose not to ascend in the physical, will exit their bodies at an exponential rate now. There are many mis-perceptions of how Soul's work/are by the waking human aspect still. This changes as all embody/hold the Light of their own Soul inside....
This body you inhabit, this is the Body that your Soul chose here. Your Soul's Body... the form that houses your magic, magnificence and infinite everything, as a multi-dimensional here. This body you chose will go through many changes, transformations and adjustments along the way. It's re-coding itself, your DNA, to match your highest aspects of who you truly are.... Galactics, Angels, Elementals, the whole Universe, Mer-maids/men/people, Temple priests/priestesses, Gods/Goddesses, Christed/Crystals/Crystalline, Stars/Suns/Moons/Planets/Galaxies, and so very much more. Every aspect you activate, your DNA activates too. It starts a genetic/template re-write, clearing distortions of each aspect through a purification process that your entire body goes through continually. Every new phase/activation, will trigger new codes within your physical form to begin this intricate process for you to EVOLVE as a Galactic Star BEing, Light BEing, your Ascended Aspects here. Each aspect has different DNA codes, so yes, this process is immense. Every part/particle of your body is "affected" (involved) by/with this.
Your bones, flesh, skin, organs, glands, body parts, brain, heart, spine, teeth/jaws, fingers, toes, feet, blood.... every itty bitty molecule and atom of you re-vamped/re-structured to become the Advanced NEW Earth HUmans that anchor the highest dimensions in the physical here. Your ability to HOLD the highest everything (timelines, realities, essences, understandings) within you, to walk as your highest aspects of you, to transmit this immense light as Love in everything you are & do. Your abilities as Cosmic Portals, to open these at-will, to hold them open and walk through them and to share this with those around you too, will become easier as you embrace these "weird & bizarre" aspects of yourself and let go of the judgment and pre-conceived notions of how anything is here.
You walk in the Higher Realms in the physical, yet not above anyone else. You hold this immensity by WHO YOU BECOME/ARE and you walk amongst each other, in a multitude of dimensions simultaneously.... vibrationally "in, out, in-between, across" all dimensions at once. Your own presence, awareness and ability to do this yourself is just one of your many gifts/abilities returned as you maintain full consciousness all of the time again.
Here, all are equal, have the same opportunities, abilities and capabilities too. The only difference is those who actually embrace this and do it and those who are not ready to believe/step into their own POWERS by holding fear, judgment and lack energy inside still and allowing their limited-fixed-mentality-closed hearted human to maintain control/command.
What is coming is beyond.... anything any of us have experienced in this physical incarnation here. It will blow our human minds, which is how this works.... for this is a vibrational existence where our Soul rules through a deep inner connection with all things as ONE/LOVE again. This is a PURE EXISTENCE where every action/thought and transmission is pure. This is where we all see our own human'ness and dissolve it back into love again, fully from within and we don't let our ego have any power anymore.
Here, we do not play the games of duality and "against". Here we UNIFY, we come together, work & play together, support each other and we SHARE. Here we support, inspire and we lift each other higher, we hold the bar higher, we aspire for more so that all of us can in-JOY this amazing and brilliant experience here.
Holding onto the old is fear and those realities cannot sustain anymore. Anything built on unconsciousness will collapse/be re-structured according to NEW EARTH FREQUENCIES and ENERGIES.... (code & sequences that restructure realities completely now). Where you maintain a disconnected state of separation (fear, judgment, less, lack, non-belief, criticism, needing proof, discounting what's not visible and continue the chaos of distractions/duality, comparison, competition, "mine"), then these realities are being restructured & realigned for you in a different way than when you embrace and open up fully to participate with all that you are/have here.
These higher frequencies "target" physical matter, target the body, target DNA, target emotions and thoughts... for target = goes straight to the CORE programming/programs....
If your CORE is PURE, then this is what you will experience.... the most amazing and magical everything available, with the occasional "not so awesome" to deal with/move through/resolve. The "faster" you see all, the "faster" you can move through realities, dissolving the ones that no longer serve without even needing to experience "if you truly fully get it" ... and just JUMP/step over into a whole new timeline, the moment you dissolve the ENERGY that CREATED that to start with.....
Your abilities to observe/see the ENERGY of all, give you the ability to see how each reality was constructed, so that you can choose to shift it your self. The moment you shift/change the vibration to a higher one, the moment you shift the entire reality... it is that easy, if you are ready to HOLD THIS IMMENSE POWER without any ego-separation within yourself....
Your Soul's Body/Plasma Crystalline LightBody: Y/our Physical Body will need y/our full attention and support to "do" this huge transition phase we all now enter into with this massive Gateway and Harmonic Re-Alignment of August. Plenty of rest (heavy sleep where veils of amnesia are lifting and photonic light activates inside, creating the heavy foggy/groggy/dense/drugged feeling for awhile, sometime off & on for years for some). The body's nervous system is being re-wired/re-configured, as is a whole new neural networking system in your flesh, the Quantum Field expanding from your muscles and density unanchoring from your teeth/bones, organs and more. As plasma energy activates inside of your body, as photons zoom zoom zoom/charge/move about, as your body transitions from linear existence (where everything was fixed and attached to certain outcomes) to non-linear (where all is vibrational and equates to Quantum Mechanics/Physics), everything changes, ESPECIALLY HOW YOUR BODY FUNCTIONS.... You will want to/need to fill your SPACE with all that supports, realizing your current reality is supporting your current phase, yet for your next higher/highest timeline to come forth, then your physical will need to change for this to occur. Observe your fear/hesitation, the scenarios that your mind tries to create, just watch them.... and from your highest consciousness state realize that what you BELIEVE is true and if you KNOW better (which you do), if you embrace the highest timeline and dissolve the lower one from within you, if you go ahead and access a new/alternate reality that is awesome, the one that's not so awesome can dissolve, if you allow it to....
Where you keep playing in unconscious realities, then you keep creating these to experience here. You must be the one that chooses differently and is ready for your new/highest existence here. Ease comes as you stop fighting/resisting what you know and keep trying to fit all into the same old boxes/limits/conditions of before. Ease comes when you stop suppressing/hiding/holding back the magnificence that you are, the beauty and divinity of your Soul, the magic that you ALREADY ARE, without trying to keep being something that goes against you on a soul level, that creates separation and more misery for you to have to turn around and clear from your body....
As you realize that it's up to you to STOP forcing yourself to try to fit in, to stop minimizing your beauty, to stop fearing opening up and connecting, showing who you are, being who you are, perfectly just as you are... you will. As you STOP trying to be something that you "thought" you were supposed to be and just allow yourself to be YOU.... your happiness, your joy, your freedom, your peace, your "home" feeling will return and you will unify inside with love again... the LOVE of yourself fully..... finally.... and you'll stop compromising this for anything ever again.
When we all first start to wake up, on a soul level, we don't know who we are. We unravel who we are not any longer, all that we created/attached to, needed to identify ourselves by and we realize none of that was true. It takes a bit for us all to go through the processes of transcendence, so be patient, as this is a never-ending process that evolves as we do. Just BE YOU. Your purest you, your truest you, your most authentic happy free you... open your heart to FEEL fully and to TRUST again.... trusting you that you won't betray you anymore, that you will honor you, that you will stand in your own integrity to yourself and be your most awesome you. This creates an electromagnetic field that radiates out to touch all through your own Unified Field/Presence. This field is how you keep expanding, touching, affecting, making a difference, just by BEing... and then all that you DO come from this place/this space... a beautiful divine essence emanating from the CORE of your BEing .... out. Naturally. Organically. You don't have to "try" to be anything at all. Just BE.
Physical Body ascension is a Gift. Your return to Full Consciousness is too. Anchoring Heaven on Earth, the magic, the amazingness, immense abundance and POWER... there is nothing to fear, for you cannot mess this up. You cannot gain access UNTIL each part of you is PURE. You cannot repeat the old, unless you allow yourself to go unconscious and then you will experience something to wake you up again. Make your conscious state your priority and the rest will fall into alignment for you. Ease comes as you are truly ready to do whatever it takes to stay conscious. Eventually you won't have to "try" to stay conscious, as it will be your natural state. Unconscious/human/ego... this becomes the weird/bizarre/distorted... as all flips (it used to be the weird, "far out there" higher realms, lol).
Pay attention, open up, listen, feel... WANT TO KNOW/UNDERSTAND.... don't try so hard (ego), notice your own body/muscles/tightening down/resisting/struggling and breathe/relax all fully again. Focus on your heart being open all of the time and noticing when you perceive anything as a threat. Ask yourself the questions that bring yourself the answers that FREE YOU and RETURN you to full power from within again. Allow yourself this amazing experience that you came here for.... Only you can.
I love you and will do a video as soon as I can with more. Expect the unexpected, embrace the unknown, open those portals, walk through those doors/into those gateways and hold the absolute highest vibration of love for yourself... the rest comes naturally as you do. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown